A Destroyed Memorial

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Someone took a car and rammed it into a World War II memorial in Texas the other day and we are all supplied with another example of how leftists in this country debate.  They basically don’t debate, they destroy. (h/t Wake Up America)

BEEVILLE – There was a somber sight in the city of Beeville Tuesday night, as a war memorial honoring veterans killed in four wars was completely destroyed.

That memorial once stood as five granite panels, with the names of 45 veterans who lost their lives, paying the ultimate sacrifice. But Tuesday, the memorial lies in pieces at the city’s maintenance yard.

Local veterans said they’re not sure when the memorial was vandalized. They say it looks like someone took their car and just rammed into it. The memorial was erected in 1989 and residents there said they’re devastated by it’s vandalism, because it’s more than just rock – it’s a symbol of freedom.

"This particular war memorial has World War I, World War II, Korean and Vietnam. And so it has quite a bit of names," Vietnam War veteran Ram Chavez said.

[…]"It has names of young men who just didn’t get the opportunity to do anything," Chavez said. "Ride a motorcycle, be a teacher, coach…have children. They were 17, 18, 19, 20 year olds killed in action."

Chavez said that while those who died will never be replaced, he hopes their memorial will be.

"The damage, those memories are lost and that cannot happen," Chavez said. "If we forget the names, then we’ll forget everyone that’s made us free."

Police say they cannot determine if the damage is a result of vandalism or an accident but I find it quite curious that this memorial was rammed while the left are in a fit over the war. 

Either way, the memorial must be replaced.  No fund has been set up as of yet but I will update as soon as one gets up and running.

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Thank you!! I let the GOE, who sent me the original email know, via their forums, that you are helping here.

It is appreciated.

Site has been set up for donations and contact has been made with the original reporter of the story to find out where we can send the paypal donations as well as any other type of donation specifically made for this memorial.


CavMom set this up, she did this once before with good success for the Christopher Cooper funeral fund.

Another prime example of the America-hating left in action, or, at least an example of the wonderful society that has been created by the same hateful ideology. And, as usual it’s refreshing to see the correct-minded response of offers to undo the destruction. I can only hope this correct-mindedness will be enough to overcome the evils that are growing rampant in todays social climate!

But I have my doughts.
Remember that to a true pessimist, ALL the surprises are pleasant!

I’d also like to apologize for the creeps that have done this, as God knows these assholes won’t ever have the balls to do it!