Sorry about the site being down this morning. My post on Bruce Willis got Dugg, and got Dugg hard. The whole reason I went to Movable Type was to prevent the site from going down when a huge amount of traffic hits but silly me decided to put in Paginate a few days ago. Paginate allowed readers to go back a few pages from the main page but also forced the site to use PHP, which is not a static type page.
So alas, Paginate is now gone and we are back up and running.
UPDATE 1800hrs PST
Geez, I never knew that Digg sends this kind of traffic to a site. Right now this Bruce Willis post is the most Dugg item:

This post has sent the most traffic I have EVER had since it’s inception two and half years ago, 25,000 pageloads and there is still six hours left in the day. The kicker is the post is about a celebrity. A freakin celebrity! Not about Iraq, politics, Bush, al-Qaeda, the War on Terror…..but about Bruce Willis!
I still love ya Bruce but come on…..
Guess I just suck at the political angle (I know the lefties in the audience are shaking their heads yes to that one).
Now I understand why these entertainment sites make sooooo much cash.

See author page
Yeah, Marie’s Two Cents was going nuts, itchin’ to respond to your Ron Paul fanboys.
I don’t think she likes Ron Paul very much.