Sometimes reading the New York Times is just surreal: (h/t Newsbusters)
"It is unclear what role, if any, religion played in the attack Mr. Shnewer and the five other men are charged with planning. (The sixth suspect, Agron Abdullahu, had no apparent connection with Al-Aqsa or the South Jersey Islamic Center.) The authorities have described the suspects as Islamic extremists, but the lengthy criminal complaint summarizing the F.B.I.’s 15-month undercover investigation of the group does not mention where — or how often — they prayed. Certainly there is no evidence that they picked up radical ideas at either mosque."
No evidence?
"Throughout the 90-minute-long tape, above the booming gunfire at a Pennsylvania target range, the jihadists could be heard screaming ‘God is great!’"
Even more non-evidence courtesy of Eugene Volokh:
Likewise, the criminal complaint asserted,
"CW-1 consensually recorded two meetings with ELJVIR DUKA. In summary, ELJVIR DUKA stated that they would need to receive a ‘fatwa’ before they could attack."
"During this trip, ELJVIR DUKA and DRITAN DUKA discussed the need to train so that they could go overseas on ‘jihad.’" (That’s connected to the Eljvir Duka quote mentioned in the earlier article, but it highlights that the "jihad" discussion involved two of the conspirators.)
Or how about these select quotes from the complaint:
Later during the consensually recorded conversation, DRITAN DUKA and SHAIN DUKA said that rather than waging jihad overseas, they could do so in the United States.
ELJVIR DUKA also stated, “ . . .and at the end when it comes to defending your religion, when someone is trying attacks your religion, your way of life, then you go jihad.”
And of course probably most damning to the NYT’s article:
ELJVIR DUKA stated that they would need to receive a “fatwa” before they could attack.
What exactly is a "fatwa"?
A “fatwa” in the Islamic faith is a ruling on Islamic law issued by an Islamic scholar. The term fatwa is used by Islamic extremists to mean “permission” to do a certain act that might otherwise be illegal under Islamic law. For example, Osama Bin Laden in 1998 purportedly sought and obtained a “fatwa” to attack the United States. The term fatwa as used by ELJVIR DUKA would therefore appear to mean a ruling that would permit an attack on the United States.
But hey, it’s UNCLEAR if any religion played a part in this plot. I mean it’s just a bunch of good ole’ boys out blowing stuff up right?
How much you wanna bet that if this was a white militia movement the NYT’s would find a connection to the Pope somehow but with a bunch of Muslims chanting "God is great" they can’t find any connection to Islam.
Other’s Blogging:

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Ironic solipsism —- (see the New York Times)
ironic: Poignantly contrary to what was expected or intended: madness, an ironic fate for such a clear thinker.
solipsism: The theory that the self is the only thing that can be known and verified. The theory or view that the self is the only reality.
While the editors and writers at the NYT’s seem to live in their own delusions and fantasys, it’s nice to know there are reality checks such as yours Curt.
Nice Post
Trackbacked by The Thunder Run – Web Reconnaissance for 05/15/2007
A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention.