Wretchard at The Belmont Club wrote about the Bush Derangement Syndrome and it’s causes yesterday. It’s so good I have to put it up as it’s own post instead of updating the BDS from Kansas post.
…secret guilt may stand at the center of the inexplicable hysteria with which the Left regard the neocons and President Bush in particular. Recently a Ramussen poll showed that "only four in ten Democrats will commit to the idea that George Bush did not know of the 9/11 attack in advance. Sixty-one percent of them either believe he did or are unsure." What could account for such a widespread belief in a bizarre conspiracy theory? Why do otherwise intelligent people insist, in the face of incontrovertible evidence that "fire does not melt steel" and embrace all kinds of ridiculous fantasies? I think the extreme demonization of George W. Bush and the neocons is psychologically necessary in order to restore a feeling of moral superiority to the Leftist universe. They would be guilt stricken without it. The more intelligent Leftists must be subconsciously aware of how monstrous the enemy is and secretly cognizant of how great is the betrayal of their own ideals. They can’t confront this fact; cannot accept that they are delivering children, as Caroline Glick’s example above shows, to cruel murderers. And in order to obtain some kind of solace and to have the effrontery to march in support of "freedom fighters" who are nothing but sadistic thugs, it is necessary for them to invent something worse; to make a caricature devil of GWB to place them once again, if not upon the side of angels, at least in the camp of the lesser evil. George Bush must be made nothing less than the moral equivalent of Hitler or else their ethical universe would collapse. But George Bush is not Hitler. And one day the better men among the Left will face up to the fact that they have failed a huge moral and historical test. And from that memory, there will be no redemption.
What I can’t get over is that the left will sell our countries security down the river, all to score political points. As if this is some kind of game. Millions of Muslims freed from tyranny, eh….who cares. Bush is still the boogieman. They see the millions of Vietnamese killed and imprisoned once they engineered our surrender and shrug their shoulders. Not our problem. They see the millions of Cubans living in squalor and tell us that it’s a utopia.
The idiocy and pure unadulterated hatred of anything American from the left is just mindboggling.

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This was made possible by those who wanted to teach the Republicans a lesson.Please America wake up before its too late.
I think deep down the libtards are scared stiff that terrorism is real. They saw what happened on 9/11 and they see the news of potential attacks as reported above. But they cannot deal with that reality so they blame Bush for everything.
If they were to face reality and realize that the terrorists want to kill THEM regardless of who sits in the White House THEY might have to do something about it. And they’ve poisoned their minds to the kind of action that seeks to prevent such attacks so they must delude themselves to the danger.
It’s very sad and cries out for some expanded prescription drug benefit for moonbats.
I like Dr. Sanity’s analysis.
Prescription drugs won’t help. Paranoia comes from smoking too much pot and the left wingers are ready for the rubber room. The problem in the next few years will be not enough mental health professionals to handle the influx of BDS progressed to insanity folks.