Angry Granny Takes On Michael Medved

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I try to listen to all my favorite talk shows during the day but alas, that’s pretty much impossible.  I rely on you good folks to let me know something I may have missed.  This time Wordsmith turned me on to a Michael Medved segment last Tuesday.  It involves one of the most hilarious calls I’ve heard in a long time.  But while listening to the show I found a few other nuggets.  First, here is Michael reminding us all about what running from Vietnam ultimately caused us and the Vietnamese: (if you can’t see the player then use the download file)

Download File

Then he interviews Arthur Brooks, author of Who Really Cares, about the fact that the eeeeviiiillllll Dick Cheney gave 78% of total income to charity.  Think we would find any liberals who do that?  It’s actually a great 25 minute interview about how Conservatives as a whole are more giving, and happier, then liberals.  The below Granny call comes in the middle of this interview but I had to make it’s own soundfile for it…’s that good. 

Download File

And finally the best part of this post, actually the whole reason for this post.  The caller to end all callers.  I give you Granny:

Download File

I probably should have saved Granny for Monday to wash away the Monday blues but I couldn’t help it….it’s just so damn good.

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Mary from Chicago?! Sounds like Helen Thomas has been calling in to Medved.

Anthony I.
Hopkinton, MA

Thanks for posting this up, Curt.

Granny Mary from Chicago needs to get her own blog. Can you just imagine?

Occasionally, Medved gets repeat callers. I hope she becomes one of those. He used to have a couple of other old battleaxes that would call in, berating him like a schoolboy, accusing him of spewing hate, hate, hate. Classic stuff!

Forgot to add…

I was going to post about the Arthur Brooks article in WSJ. You can find it posted here. I think the figure of $6.9 million donated to charity is the sum total through the course of the Cheney Vice Presidency, just to be clear; not what he donated in 2005.

And I think mention of the Bush Administration (15 minutes into the Arthur Brooks audio) and how it is dealing with food aid and world hunger is an important “need to know” bit of information that doesn’t get much publicity. After all, he’s Bushitler and the other one- who gives 78% over to charity- is Darth Cheney.

This is classic Medved! I have to say I agree with Mary from Chicago assessment of the Hildebeast.

I don’t understand what the deal is, but on your site I can not see the embedded links to Mp3 audio, and when I “download the file, it doesn’t open and play and apparently is saved in an invisible temporary folder in Sonny Berger’s socks.
