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The worst thing this is all just political posturing for PR effect.

Couple of quotes from dems from a Rush transcript of Friday’s show.

USA Today has a story today. Jim Moran, who’s about as radical a Democrat as you can find, said, “I think we’re ultimately going to lose this battle, although I think it will be a pyrrhic victory for the White House because they’re going to lose the war for public opinion.” Representative Jim Cooper, a conservative Democrat from Tennessee, said, “Look, the money is going to flow because the troops always come first. This is really just a battle for the mind of the public.”

Don’t expect me to feel the love about them playing political chess and putting troops funding at risk and possibly delaying training of new Iraqi recruits and arming them.

I hope this whole situation backfires on them with a backlash of major proportions. They sure are trying to earn it.

Slimguy: Democrats are suffering from the delusion that they took control of congress because America’s voters wanted to end the war.

That might have been the reason they won some congressional districts. But as been pointed out by many others Democrats ran a campaign based on Mark Foley and “Macaca” to win in enough key districts and states to take control of both houses.

Then of course let’s not forget that small handful of persons who CALL themselves “conservative” and decided it was time to teach the GOP a lesson for spending too much.

Wonder if they’re happy now that they’ve got twice as much spending AND surrender in Iraq?

The good news is… some of us in Nevada have had enough.


Mike, that was brilliant, just what I needed tonight. Thanks.

Thanks Jonn. I must be channeling Dr. Seuss today.

And Eric: Keep us informed of your progress at:


I wonder if Nevada has a recall provision for Federal office holders?

Not sure yet on the recall info. We may not ever be able to go that far. Right now we’re at the beginning stages of seeing what kind if interest there is out there and who else would want to get involved.

We want to start with some creative campaigns to apply heat on him, and then crank out some high profile petitions.

WHat that leads to remains to be seen. One day at a time.

That might have been the reason they won some congressional districts.

Let’s not forget about Lieberman’s pro-victory in Iraq win, after he was kicked to the curb by the defeatist Democrats.

Mike, that was brilliant! Did you write all that yourself? I thought given the right inspiration, you would have it in you to do that.

Hope you come up with more in the future.

Wow, that was freakin brilliant Mike…absolutely loved it.

And sign me up for that recall Reid campaign. He is an embarrassment to politics as Murtha is to the Marine Corps.

Thanks all!

Deputy Wordsmith may recall that I had been thinking about a Dr. Seussesque rant for a while now. But for some reason today it just spilled out.

Funny how that happens isn’t it? I was responding to another of my moonbats that Wordsmith thinks I should be nicer to and before I knew it VOILA!

If it were just Harry Reid, it would be too much, but the ineptitude in the Democratic ‘leadership’ is downright scary.

The Democrats are aligning themselves with elements of Islamo-fascism for their own political purposes. They want the White House so bad in ’08 that they are willing to jeopardize the safety and security of the U.S. to achieve their ends.

Reid’s comments are only the tip of the iceberg. The messages sent to terrorists by the Democratic Party via Syria and the U.S. media are a white flag, a weak, cowering America and a willingness to strike a deal that will put the Dems in the Oval Office.

By the way……don’t drive that Charger too fast….you might get a traffic citation and wouldn’t that be embarrassing?

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