It makes me feel all warm and cuddly inside when I find at least one hollywood celebrity with some common sense about the real danger we face. Here is Jon Voight talking on the Bill O’Reilly show tonight about how our MSM is "defacing" our President and doing everything they can to make sure we are defeated in Iraq and the war on terror:

See author page
Look up his interview with RADAR.
Nevermind, it’s here.
Jon isn’t the first or last actor in Hollywood to support the war, our troops, the President, or who has a big picture understanding of the our enemy .
There are a long list of writers, directors, actors, producers—–including Patricia Heaton, James Woods, Bruce Willis, Gary Sinise, Danny DeVito, Don Johnson, Howard Gordon( producer “24” ) Joel Surnow ( Producer “24”) Pat Sajak, ROn Silver— and many others who I have worked with who share the same opinion as Jon and who put their names to an anti terror advertisement that Nicole Kidman created and that appeared in the LA Times last summer.
Mind you — those on the left especially over at Huffington – who always insist how its the RIGHT who try to stifle political opinion from actors and celebs – proceeded to insult, eviscerate and demand that THOSE Hollywood celebs who signed this advertisment simply shut up and act!
Let’s not forget James Woods who was on a flight with some of the 9/11 terrorists as they ran thru a dry run a few weeks before the attacks.
He told his story to O’Reilly:
Jon Voight ironically sounds so much here like Jack Chismore, the out of control, deranged alcoholic that he portrayed so well in “Desert Bloom”. Chismore would ramble on about worldwide conspiracies and how evil people were out to get our country, blah blah blah blah…
This guy was rambling on like someone who really did stop taking his medication. He was scary. He seemed very high or very crazy. Maybe a bit of both?
Rambling? The only one high appears to be you Jim. Jon Voight had a very clear message to state, and he stated it well. You don’t like it so you attack him for being high.
Oh, and conspiracy theories?
Now I KNOW your high!
Be gone back to KOS.
Jon Voight Gets It
Flopping Aces has the video of Jon Voight on O’Reilly last night. He’s thoughtful, lucid and well reasoned, something quite rare indeed from Glitter City.
JOHN VOIGHT IS RIGHT … So, the democratic mutual admiration society, i.e. his highness, Barack Hussein Obama and his democratic cronies met behind closed doors … and, then upon leaving the meeting, graced us with glowing reviews of Obama’s humility and his inevitability to win in November. Then, for the umpteenth time, Obama told us how his 6 countries in 9 days photo op, proved how he is now a qualified expert in foreign policy. Then, he refused to acknowledge that the surge worked. Yes … I would call Obama a presumptuous arrogant empty suit, who is being packaged and agressively marketed to the American people. What a grand deception. I urge all Americans … if you really love this country, and you don’t want to see it turn into a third world country … make sure you … and everyone you know, vote for Senator John McCain in November!!!
I’m so happy all of you Voight lovers are going to lose this November. And yes, our military IS being used by a small percentage of the population to further enrich themselves. Some people are too caught up in mythology and symbols to understand this.