The Hillary Caption Contest to celebrate Flopping Aces passing the one million hit mark is OVER!
And the winner is SKYE from Midnight Blue with this great caption which received 40 votes:
So, based on what you are telling me, if I go with the platinum package – I’ll get the "Monica-Look" AND a free cigar?
Skye gets any three items she wants from the Flopping Aces store….free.
The three runner-ups were:
Shhhh. The cameras are on me – I have to pretend that I’m interested in you for a moment.
– Monica from Grizzly Mama
"You ask me that question again and I’ll have your balls for breakfast!"
– Marinetbryant
No, you are wrong sir. Satan is my bitch.
– Luke
Thanks to everyone who participated.

See author page
If it makes you feel better, Mike, we can do a recount. I’m sure there must be some questionable dangling chads…
I am just so very pleased to have the opportunity to heckle the hildebeast in such a public way.
Thanks to all who voted 🙂
Holy Crap! I’m a runnuer up??!! LOL.