Hugh Hewitt is broadcasting from Air America studio today apparently and a few of their 12 listeners called in with hilarious results. In this 15 minute segment you will hear Hugh do what he does best. He asks some personal questions of the caller and then lets him hang himself while he screams and spews saliva all over his phone. Then to top it all off another lefty called in to tell the first caller that he sucks as a debater at which point they get into a screaming match.
I’m telling you, you can’t make this stuff up. Please take the time to listen to this:
These people just don’t understand how ignorant they sound. Unbelievable.
Getting complaints that people on IE cannot see the player. Not sure why this is but here is the audio file for download.

See author page
That is beautiful! I work at 4pm, and had stopped listening at 3:30pm. So I had missed the 2nd caller who is also an Air America guy start arguing with the grip. I thought the grip started out sane enough; but once he got on topic of what he called in about, he just lost it. They really don’t know how ridiculous they sound when they get into raving don’t-cut-me-off-don’t-interrupt-me-I’m-no-longer-listening rants.
Tain’t working. The player doesn’t show up in my browser.
Hmmmm….it’s java, you have your java updated?
Havent had any complaints in the six months Ive used it so not sure what it could be.
omg, that guy who was makin $200 a day in his “blue collar” job…that was AWESOME. Brilliant!
If a war supporter who isn’t now or never has been in the military is labeled a chickenhawk, just what the hell is a radio broadcaster who won’t broadcast from Iraq?
An airhawk?
A discjockeyhawk?
A shockjockjhawk?
Maybe a shockhawkjock?
I’m puzzled.
When I use IE 6.0, I do not see a player.
It is there when I use Firefox.
Hmmmm, weird. I just added the audio file for download for those having trouble seeing the player.
What a hoot.
I just listened to the clip (via Firefox).
I don’t think either one of those bozos realize how bad they sound, and how bad they make Air America look. But, then again, left-wing wackos are never very aware (all most never self-aware), and they are usually really emotional weirdos – if not complete illogical drooling moon bats.
Morons: A chickenhawk is a right winger who supports, promotes or lies us into a war which he himself won’t fight. This includes every single one of the right wing neocons who planned and promoted Iraq War, from Limbaugh to Cheney right on down to the local radio hosts who spread the lies which brought permanent ruin to the U.S. in the world today. It is the same principle with the morals police who want to tell everyone how to live their lives. In every single one of these cases, especially the homophobes, the inquisitor is always doing something equal to what they are ranting against, or usually worse. The definitive study on homophobia at UG proved that EVERY young male who rants against homosexuality is secretly harboring gay fantasies – exclusive hets wouldnt’ waste their breath on the subject. So in literally every area, the right winger is out of touch with himself, transparently fraudulent to most people except himself, and this is what has brought your party to utter ruin plunging 15 points in the most recent party preference poll and with almost no young voters coming of age claiming to be GOP. You’re disgusting, pasty, pudgy liars who pretend to be everything you are not.
Holy crap, I think I lost a billion braincells just reading that idiocy from Greg. Maybe it’s Charles from Santa Barbara in disguise?
I bet he’s a fellow Airhead America listener. Greg’s a chickenhawk when it comes to the war against ignorance and stupidity.
Reminds me of a recent NYTimes piece:
I’m sure Greg thinks the NYTimes is part of the vast right-wing neocon-spiracy.