Muslim Fanatic To Speak At The University of Pittsburgh

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It appears that the Imam that called for the death of Ayaan Hirsi Ali for daring to speak out against the "religion of peace" STILL has a standing invitation from the University of Pittsburgh to speak: (h/t Weasel Zippers)

The Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh is courting controversy after having promised a local imam – who advocates killing those who forsake their faith in Islam – an opportunity to address its student body.

Responding to a lecture at the campus given by an ex-Muslim promoting a book critical of Islam, the imam of the Islamic Center of Johnstown. Fouad ElBayly called the speaker’s comments "poisonous" while advocating that apostates should be killed, "If you come into the faith, you must abide by the laws, and when you decide to defame it deliberately, the sentence is death."

Preceding ElBayly’s fatwa [a determination made by a religious scholar on matters of Islamic jurisprudence] regarding how the speaker should be dealt with, he and the Islamic Center of Johnstown’s president, Mahmoud Qazi met with the university’s Vice President of Student and Academic Affairs, Dr. Jerry Samples.

During that meeting Mr. Samples agreed to allow the two access to the university so they could present their objections to the speaker’s ideas.

Contacted today Mr. Samples stated that he wanted to "give them a separate time for them to come and discuss their religion on campus," and indicated that "they have been here before."

He stressed that the offer had been made so "that they could come and talk about the book" since the university is an academic forum where people should be able to discuss differing ideas.

Vice President Samples did say that this invitation may change:

For now at least, Mr. Samples indicated that though the offer for the university to host ElBayly still stands that it is subject to a review process which will take place in mid-summer at which point a final determination will be made.

Maybe a few emails and calls will let this University know that TRUE hate speech, meaning speech which calls for the murder of another human being for no other reason then the fact that they spoke out against your religion, cannot be sanctioned by our schools.

(814) 269-7000
Ask for Dr. Jerry Samples office

or write:

University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown
c/o Dr. Jerry Samples
450 Schoolhouse Road
Johnstown, PA 15904

Sad that its come to this point isn’t it?  That our schools would even consider letting fanatical Muslims inside their campus.  The very same Muslims that we are at war with….


Robert from Jihad Watch tried to talk to the good Imam with predictable results, plus he backed out of appearing on the Laura Ingraham Show at the last minute.  Isn’t that special.


Someone did in fact get through to the Imam via the phone and had an interesting conversation:

I called the number and someone picked up and said hello. I said I was calling with regard to Imam Fouad ElBayly.

The person on the other end said, "Speaking." (!!!!)

Me: Is this Imam Fouad ElBayly?

ElBayly: Speaking.

Me: I understand that you called for the murder of Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

ElBayly: Oh no no, that was not correct.

Me: I have the quote right here. You said, "She has been identified as one who has defamed the faith. If you come into the faith, you must abide by the laws, and when you decide to defame it deliberately, the sentence is death."

ElBayly: Yes, but that is not my word. That is the call of God.

Yup, what we have here is a radical Muslim, in our midst….with an invitation to speak to our kids.

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