Update On The Hillary Caption Contest

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Over 24 hours into the HIllary caption contest to celebrate Flopping Aces going over the one million visit mark, and so far we have these as the frontrunners for this photo:

From the first group:

  • No, you are wrong sir. Satan is my bitch.
  • "You want to do WHAT with that cigar ??!!"
  • Yours bigger than mine?

And a three way tie for these:

  • Jamil Hussein gets an autograph from Senator Hillary Clinton.
  • What do you mean, "Stick with the dark pantsuit"?
  • "Why are you even asking me a question like that? You KNOW the reason why I didn’t divorce my husband after the Lewinski scandal!"

From the second group:

  • In Thought Bubble: "Blah, blah, wah, wah! I can’t wait until I can just have these annoying guys shot!"
  • "Did you just call me "Hitlary"?
  • "You ask me that question again and I’ll have your balls for breakfast!"

And a three way tie for these three:

  • What do you mean? I’m already wearing a pearl necklace.
  • At a recent town meeting, Hillary Clinton signing impeachment papers has an global warming methane attack
  • Why, yes, I do occasionally wear a blue dress. Why do you ask?

And from the third and final group:

  • So, based on what you are telling me, if I go with the platinum package – I’ll get the "Monica-Look" AND a free cigar?
  • Shhhh. The cameras are on me – I have to pretend that I’m interested in you for a moment.
  • That’s Senator Douchebag to you!
  • I’ll sign this "To Curt & the boys at Flopping Aces…Great Site!"

The top four from each group will go on to the final round so make your choice for EACH group.  Winner of the best caption gets three items, any item they choose, from the Flopping Aces store…free!

Voting ends tomorrow at 9am PST.