Kerry Panders To The Twoofers

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This guy is a piece of work.  Listen to him stumble through an answer to a truthers questions:

Retard – Are you up to hearing witness and expert testimony on how the WTC was brought down by controlled demolition.

Kerry – Well that’s a new one to me, I would have to, I mean obviously I’m open to anything that’s based on fact and evidence and if somebody does have evidence I will take a look at it.

While it doesn’t sound like he believes the Government was involved in bringing down the towers neither does he tell the girl that the truthers are full of it.  Instead he will study the evidence. 

As Ace said, would he do the same for a Holocaust denier?  No way in hell.  He would tell the girl that she’s a loon (in a polite politician type way) but instead he say’s he will look into it.   He basically panders to the retards here instead of taking a stand. 

Imagine if this guy had become our President…just imagine.  Scary scary stuff.

But do recall he did "witness" heads being chopped off and balls being mutilated in Vietnam.  Maybe he is twoofer material after all.

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I dunno. I don’t think he really went off the deep end of pandering here. It’s not like he tossed in a southern accent ala Hillary. He didn’t really embrace the idea-just didn’t dismiss it. The “I’ll look into it” and “I hadn’t heard that before” could be mistaken as being polite to the loons.

What I really REALLY REALLY liked was the start of the vid! Book signings are incredibly awkward things, and what we have here demonstrates a 3 on the scale of 1-10 with 2 being where no one shows up, and 1 being where no one shows up, and the signing is at a dive like Bubba’s Adult Bookstore. Watch carefully, and you can almost read the man’s mind as he comes down the stairs, “Oh my gawd, there’s almost no one here, and what is up with that blanket hanging from the ceiling? Is that supposed to be a big curtain? Oh this is gonna suck. I can’t believe I lost to that moron.” Then he gets down and can’t find a cool way to get around the hanging “curtain.” He comes out, and is CLEARLY bored, disappointed, and not happy.

Too bad he chose to pimp his book for a couple hundred bucks (do they REALLY need the money that bad?!), instead of going to a DoD, CIA, or DNI briefing. The time spent at the bookstore would have been WAY better spent doing something like…oh…I dunno…HIS JOB!

“Hey Sen Kerry! Have you read any good bills lately, or were you out comforting the mentally challenged (people who don’t understand that steel may melt at almost 3000 degrees, but it softens and loses strength at well under 1000)?”

Way to go Lurch