My earlier post on John Kerry pandering to the twoofers is just the start. Now Hillary is up to her usual pandering by putting that bad grammar and twangs into her speech for the National Action Network, a civil rights group founded by Rev. Al Sharpton:
"The abuses that have gone on in the last six years, I don’t think we know the half of it," Clinton said, her voice inflected with a singsong Southern twang that she often uses in front of black audiences.
So I suppose a black audience is just too ignorant to understand proper grammar?
What would be her excuse for this behavior I wonder? Is it because she wants to be understood so she uses bad grammar for those who understand bad grammar? Wouldn’t that be considered racist behavior? As Larry Elder stated in his first book The Ten Things You Can’t Say In America:
"Good motives aside, white condescension does more damage than good. White condescension says to a black child, "The rules used by other ethnic groups don’t apply to you. Forget about "work hard, get an education, posses good values. No, for you, we’ll alter the rules by lowering the standards and expecting less.’" Expect less, get less." –P.68
But what do we hear during Hillary’s speech? Applause. The black audience was applauding her condescension towards them. Amazing.
Finally you have to listen to this from the Larry Elder show today. Gone With The Wind starring Hillary Clinton:

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I was listening to Laura Ingraham on the road, and she played a clip of Obama pandering to a black audience, by using a “black” inflection to some of his words.
I think this might be it
If I were Hillary Clinton, the last thing in the world that I would bring up is the rug in the Oval Office!