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Oh My God!!

And our Troops died for that idiot’s right to post that hate filled Liberal filth.

I am getting to hate Liberals more and more everyday.

Another example of the staggering moral idiocy of the left. The “Iraqis” our soldiers are killing are those who blow up markets, kill children, slit the throats of hostages…think such types deserve to live?

Liberal fools–their commitment to defeat does not exceed the corrosive influence of their lies and obfuscation.

Oh, boy.

I daresay the difference between the two would be quite apparent if, for instance, a Marine had been inside that building.

Gee, I wonder who I would have hid behind?

Oh, boy.

I daresay the difference between the two would be quite apparent if, for instance, a Marine had been inside that building.

Gee, I wonder who I would have hid behind?

where was that posted?

check out hot air which i gave a h/t to. not gonna link to where this asshole posted his artwork.

Ironically, it says more about the Patriotism and support-for-troops from the core of the Democratic Party than it does about either Cho or the United States Marines.

Would love to see Rep Murtha talk about the cartoon with the oxygen parasite who drew it.

My son is a member of the Marine Corp.

This “cartoonist” isn’t worthy of licking the mud off my son’s boots.

The scumbag who wrote this needs to spend some time in Al-Qeada captivity, maybe that will teach him some gratitude.

It’s crazy!!

He was in US Marines, wasn’t he?

So you know V-Tech is one of the biggest ROTC schools in the country(Google Corp of Cadets, so I would bet their was a Marine or 2 there not to mention service members from the USAF, US ARMY, and the Navy in attendance at this school. None of which was able to disarm a “untrained” nut with a gun one of the at least 17 times he reloaded his pistols.

And this isnt high school ROTC these are fully trained Marines that do training exercises in the woods around V-Tech with real weaponry.