I find it funny that liberals accuse Fox News of being a conservative news channel when we have people like Shepherd Smith spewing the leftist talking points as if he just came from HIllary headquarters. Here he is yesterday with Reid Dickens, president of Outside Eyes and former Assistant Press Secretary to the White House, and Jane Fleming from the Young Voter PAC:
Ok, first this douchebag has the nerve to take offensive at Reid’s use of the term "thousands of schools have been built." Well, guess what….there has been MANY many schools built like this one just the other day:
Youngsters in north Baghdad will soon be able to attend school right in their own community.
Local Iraqi leaders identified the need for a school and the U.S. military unit there funded it. Construction on the 1,250-square-meter two-story facility was started last year and should be completed mid-May. Currently, it’s 95 percent finished.
Andy May, project engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Gulf Region Central District, has been overseeing a variety of essential service projects in Baghdad Province over the past four years.
Of course Mr. Reid shouldn’t have said thousand’s….plural. Because only 986 schools have been built. So 14 short of a thousand. Guess we suck huh?
Renovation or construction of 986 schools is complete improving quality learning environments for more than 500,000 kindergarten through 8th grade students (9 percent of the total amount of students/schools in Iraq).
Oh my god, the war is lost the war is lost!
And then he takes offensive at "a few cars being blown up every day"….guess what, that’s what has been happening, especially since the new strategy has been put in place. Sadr and his minions are on the run, Iraqi’s from all over the country are battling back at Al-Qaeda, and all they have left is to blow up a few cars everyday to make the news. Which people like Dildo….cough, I mean Shep, are only so happy to put up on primetime. And on Fox News to boot….gasp.
And then what is up with Shep making excuses for Reid? Reid flat out said that THE WAR IS LOST! He then added "and the surge is not working". So Shep can make all the excuses in the world for him but we all heard him. He did not say the surge is a lost cause, or that the surge is not working. No…he said THE WAR IS LOST!…..period.
Lets move on a bit here. Listen in on Ms. Fleming spewing lie after lie after lie:
"The Democrats are doing exactly what the Iraq Study Group has asked us to do"
Baloney. The Iraq Study Group NEVER asked for a date of withdrawal. In fact what did James Baker just write to the WaPo?
The report does not set timetables or deadlines for the removal of troops, as contemplated by the supplemental spending bills the House and Senate passed. In fact, the report specifically opposes that approach. As many military and political leaders told us, an arbitrary deadline would allow the enemy to wait us out and would strengthen the positions of extremists over moderates. A premature American departure from Iraq, we unanimously concluded, would almost certainly produce greater sectarian violence and further deterioration of conditions in Iraq and possibly other countries.
Does any Democrat (and that goes for you also Shep) ever tell the truth or do all they know is spin?
Oh, and then she complains that we are going down the same path, no change in strategy. Well what the hell do you call "the surge"? It WAS a change in strategy.
Then she tops it all off by stating Secretary Gates said the war is lost.
Um….no…he said there was work to be done AND he said:
And I think one thing that may be missing here is a sense of perspective. You know, this is a country that went through 35 years of rule under Saddam, eight years of war with Iran, the first Gulf War, 12 years of sanctions. It was a country that was ruled by fear. Having people act on their own initiative, having people take responsibility for their actions, these are new things in Iraq, perhaps in the whole history of the country. And the notion that it might have taken a little longer than we Americans might have expected strikes me as not surprising.
This is the kind of stuff we get from Fox News now. But they are are a bastion of conservative bias!
But hey, the MSM (that included you FOX) isn’t biased.

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I had to laugh. You are so right about Shepard Smith and Fox. I have been complaining about him to my family for a long time and they just look at me. His reporting from New Orleans after Katrina was disgraceful. He always looks like he is holding it all inside and wants to share but knows O’Reilly will kick is ass if he spews it out.
After O’Reilly went after Geraldo I bet they put metal detectors up at the staff entrance in New York.
I Love that picture of the Iraqi Kids in school.
I wish Harry Reid would just go away and take the rest of the Libtards with him.