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UK Journalist: Israel Probably Murdered Alan Johnston

Last Sunday, while noting the report that a Palestinian group claimed to have murdered BBC reporter Alan Johnston, we made this prediction:
If Johnston was indeed murdered by his kidnappers, rather than reconsider their support for a murderous death cult society, British journalists will find a way to blame it on Israel.

British journalist Alan Hart is the first out of the gate: If Alan Johnston is dead, who, really, was responsible?

On Count One, Alan was not only the BBC’s man, he was the only permanent foreign correspondent in Gaza. He was, in short, the best and most informed provider of news about the Palestinian side of the story; a story which, in many of its details, is an embarrassment to Israel and those governments, most notably the Bush and Blair regimes, which support Israel’s efforts to break the will of the Palestinians to continue their struggle for an acceptable minimum of justice.
On Count Two, and if he has been murdered, Alan’s death, if it could be blamed on a Palestinian or a pro-Palestinian Arab and/or other Islamist group, would be a huge political setback for the legitimacy of the Palestinian struggle and the present leadership of it. (The Al Qaeda franchise would not give a damn about harming the Palestinian cause).

There is a case for saying (repeat a case) that the party with most to gain from Alan Johnston’s permanent disappearance was Israel. It would not be the first time that Israeli agents had dressed as Arabs to make a hit.

If Alan Johnston is dead, it’s my hope that the BBC at executive management level will rise above its fear of offending Zionism too much and allow its reporters (Frank Gardner and Jeremy Bowen are second to none) to make a full, thorough and honest investigation.

Little Green Footballs

Of course Alan Hart, since he is a journalist, somehow had the ability to think rationally and with an unbiased viewpoint beaten out of him in journalism school. Had he even had even a basic ability to think straight, he might notice that Jews are not the ones decapitating people, blowing themselves up in suicide attacks, repressing religious freedom and Democracy, and, oh yeah, ramming jet planes into skyscrapers.

Of course, the MSM would never report headlines like: 
Danish Imam: "All Women Should Wear a Veil"

Mostafa Chendid, the new leader of the Danish Islamic Society, says that not just Muslim women but all women should wear repressive, ugly clothing—because if they don’t, five to ten percent of men will lose control and fly into a rape frenzy: “All Women Should Wear A Veil”.

A British study has found that almost 90% of UK Muslims think it’s the government that needs to change, not them: Muslims will not waver over veils.

Nope, there is no trouble on the horizon over in England, ’cause it’s all Israel’s fault. And the scary thing is these are the guys that are reporting the news. These are the guys that educate the population on the world around them and influence how they vote.


And if western Democracy ever falls one day, it will be  the liberals and the MSM that are more to blame then the terrorists, for they are the ones that will allow it to happen.

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You are so right, Rob. The greatest Ally to evil…is denial of the Existence of Evil.