The Moron Parade

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Don’t ask me how I came across this piece of crap, but I did.  Now I feel like I need to take a shower to wash away the stupidity of this writer, one Dr. Gideon Polya:

IRAN is under acute threat from the US and Israel, from US State Terrorism (USST), Israeli State Terrorism (IST) and  US-Israeli State Terrorism (USIST). The Racist Bush-ites (RBs),  notably the Racist Religious Right Republican (R4) Bush-ites running Bush Amerika, their Racist Zionist (RZ) supporters and Racist Zionist-run Apartheid Israel (AI) have been urging “pre-emptive” attack on remote, peaceful Iran.

The dimensions of this threat are horrendous. Iran is a remote and peaceful democracy (albeit a democracy with a major theocratic input just as Western democracy is flawed by massive military-industrial complex, oil, gas, coal, construction, media, and other corporate input). The US and US Alliance invasions and occupations of Iraq (population 27 million) and Afghanistan (population 26 million) have so far been associated with 1.0 million and 2.4 million post-invasion excess deaths (avoidable deaths, deaths that did not have to happen).  Iran has a population of 70 million – the consequences of a US invasion of Iran are unthinkably horrible.

The extent of the threat posed by US-Israeli State Terrorism  (USIST) can be assessed by  the number of “hits” (URLs) elicited by Google Searches in English for the EVIL and OBSCENE phrases “attack Iran” (851,000), “invade Iran” (336,000), “bomb Iran” (325,000), and “nuke Iran” (138,000).

Oh, believe me, it gets much worse. 

The idiot, ah…I mean Dr. Polya’s biography:

Gideon Polya was born in Melbourne in 1944 and raised in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. A graduate of the University of Tasmania, he gained a PhD from Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia.

After postdoctoral work at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, he returned to the Australian National University in Canberra  as a Queen Elizabeth II Fellow . He recently retired from a senior position at La Trobe University, Melbourne and is presently a Melbourne-based writer and lecturer. He published some 130 works in a 4 decade scientific career as a biochemist, most recently a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (Taylor & Francis/CRC Press, London & New York, 2003), and is currently writing a book on avoidable global mortality – numerous articles on this and related matters can be found by a simple Google search for "Gideon Polya" and on his website: .  Gideon Polya is married with three children. A keen cartoonist, painter and portraitist, he has published numerous cartoons (including cartoon illustrations for a statistics textbook), has painted about a thousand paintings (abstract figurative and landscapes) and has drawn thousands of portraits.

And example of that "keen" cartoonist skill can be viewed on his article:

Now that is some skills.

And here is his blog, and another one, and one more.

You take the complete body of work and you have the making of what I would call a complete and total jackass.

I know, not real nice but I feel moody today.  This is the kind of thinking we are fighting against in this country.  The Code Pinks and the ANSWERS, along with this schmoo, continually do whatever is necessary to make this country weaker, poorer, and less educated.

Oh, and don’t forget….it’s all the Zionists fault.

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Oh Have Mercy!! When is this Lunacy going to stop?

They forgot to mention


..or (SHIT) for short.

Unfortunately I know this idiot all to well.

I was part of the Newsvine site during it’s beta days, it wasn’t to long after it went public the “dr” arrived on the scene. Within a few months the place was infested with a hardcore group (Keld Bach is the head anti-semite, Oluseye Bassir is another) of like-minded morons.

After a few weeks and a few cases of Pepto-Bismol to settle a sour stomach from reading these idiots I signed out and haven’t been back.

I wouldn’t recommend going over there unless it’s for the comedic value, they make the DUmmies look like Einstien.