Fred’s star keeps rising in my book:
He believes that elements of the CIA were out to get Scooter Libby and his boss, Vice President Dick Cheney. Libby, though not the original leaker of the identity of CIA employee Valerie Plame, was convicted of lying and obstructing justice. "It makes me mad as the devil just to think about it," Thompson says. He had never met Libby when he volunteered to serve on the advisory board of the Scooter Libby Legal Defense Trust. Is Libby innocent? Thompson answers with one word. "Yes."
Do you think there will be negative political fallout from defending the convicted former chief of staff to an unpopular vice president?
"I have no idea. I have a hard time seeing it. If I’m wrong about the temperature of the American people on this, then I’m wrong about a lot of things about the American people. And we might as well find out."
Read the entire article to get a real feel for this man. I have a feeling if he does decide to run he will become the frontrunner quite quickly.

See author page
Oh I’m so glad to see another Fred Thompson supporter.
Get ready there is a little varment going around to everyone that support’s Fred’s blogs and giving them all hell over some guy named Ron Paul.
Never heard of this guy before, I guess he is in the Senate of House or something.
Giving you the heads up in advance 🙂
He also had this great Op-Ed in today’s WSJ OpinionJournal: Case Closed – Tax Cuts Mean Growth
This is what I had to say about him on my page:
“You know, one of the things I really like about Fred Thompson is that he does not come off as a politician, he comes off as a leader. He seems to be proud of his positions, it not afraid to communicate his positions clearly and is very good at explaining himself and what he stands for. This is very important nowadays. Two things I am looking for in our next President is someone who is a leader and someone who can communicate his positions and policies clearly and confidently to the people. I don’t see anyone else in the race right now who does this. All the rest come across as weasley politicians, trying to say the right thing in just the right way in order to get the most votes from the most people without alienating too many people. That is cowardice, in my eyes. I want someone who will stand for principles and ideas and will express those principles and ideas without caring who will like or not like them.
I sure hope Fred Thompson runs, because, at this point, he has my vote.”