I caught this on Hannity & Colmes a couple of nights ago. Decided to look it up after Marie’s Two Cents mentioned Malkin was called a whore recently while hosting O’Reilly’s show. Watch civil rights attorney, Leo Terrell.
What people don’t realize is that there are different ways of having dignity. And say 40 years ago, there was something very dignified about standing down the kinds of people who would say or do really tacky things; and when you did that, what you were doing was standing down 350 years of bs. But now that it’s a completely different place, now that anything anybody says or along the lines of what Imus now kind of said as a joke- you’re almost basically making fun of the idea that anybody would actually say it by saying it- now that we’ve gotten to that point, dignity is being able to take a joke; it’s being able to be yourself whether or not something somebody said was…offensive or whether it was the best way that they could have put it, because: Life is never perfect!
The "progressives", by the way, are all giddy, believing that Laura Ingraham "stormed" off the set. Newsflash to you KosKiddies: It was a joke!
Listening to Michael Medved today, he reported that a WSJ piece got to the root of how all this broke out. It started out with someone at Media Matters listening in, at 6 in the morning.
On the morning of the original broadcast, there was little response to Mr. Imus’s slur. Media Matters posted the video and transcript on its Web site and sent an email blast to several hundred reporters, as it does nearly every day. The post received dozens of comments, many heated, some more than 300 words long. The next day, top news outlets didn’t mention the incident.
Apparently, a couple of days later, the National Association of Black Journalists eventually got wind of it. All they wanted was an apology. That’s it. And now we all know the rest.
Medved has an interesting observation: Apologizing might have led to Imus’ demise. Medved noted how Ann Coulter was put in the media hotseat over her "faggot" comment in relation to John Edwards. She refused to back down. She refused to apologize. Eventually the fickle media and people’s short attention span moved on; the incident blew over, leaving Ann Coulter intact, and none-the-worse-for-wear.
Imus may have been fired; but all this attention has probably rejuvenated his career. Howard Stern at Satellite Radio…..move over!
I think Imus’ biggest baggage will be the fact that he sucked up to that race-profiteering windbag, Al Sharpton.
And now, Tom DeLay is calling for the Imussing of Rosie.
Apparently, this just breaking: Monty Johnson and the Duke LaCrosse Players have accepted Imus’ apology.
Previous Posts:
Who Will Forgive Imus?
"Imus be a racist, too…" (at Sparks from the Anvil)
A former fetus, the “wordsmith from nantucket” was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1968. Adopted at birth, wordsmith grew up a military brat. He achieved his B.A. in English from the University of California, Los Angeles (graduating in the top 97% of his class), where he also competed rings for the UCLA mens gymnastics team. The events of 9/11 woke him from his political slumber and malaise. Currently a personal trainer and gymnastics coach.
The wordsmith has never been to Nantucket.
Holy crap Word…I haven’t laughed that much at a video in a long time.
Alan and the other idiot do their best to ignore the reality of this absurd situation by stating over and over “your changing the subject”…give me a break. Sharpton, Lee, and Jackson all led the charge to get Imus fired and their backgrounds have EVERYTHING to do with this situation.
I absolutely love Laura’s expressions during this “debate”…priceless.
Actually, Sharpton, Lee and Jackson led the charge to get Imus fired AFTER George Soros-funded Media Matters (also linked to Hillary Clinton) gave the order to start the charge: DNC’s Media Matters Wants Censorship Of Airwaves
And Imus is just the first. This is not a laughing matter. Fascism is coming… from the Left and the Democrat Party itself. They are done debating, because they know the facts are not on their side. So now, they are working to shut us (Conservatives) down.
Color me blind, but I’m pretty sure that’s what I iterated in the post.