The Patriots Den – Bumperstickers

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Many of you may not know that myself and Rob from Baltimore Reporter started up a little itty bitty side business for bumperstickers called The Patriots Den.  We hope to carry t-shirts one day but that all depends on the success of the stickers.   Since we’re just starting out we decided to just open up a storefront on Ebay here, one day we may have our own website but damn, finding someone to design a storefront is not cheap. 

Not looking to get rich but instead help to give conservatives and patriots an avenue to put out the message’s that are most important to them.

Anyways, thought I would highlight a few of the stickers you may enjoy from time to time. 

Support Democracy, fight radical Islam

  Liberals place more value on the life of terrorists and murderers then the unborn

Liberalism weakens the family, weakens the military, weakens the culture, weakens the country!
Just a sampling of the over 40 stickers we offer, all of them professionally produced, no cheap paperstock here.  Also, if anyone has some good idea’s for new stickers send them our way.
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You guys better hurry up and get those copywrited before someone steals your idea!! Great Idea by the way!! I see a couple I wouldnt mind advertising on my bumper 🙂

This is an awesome idea. I am going to do a post about it on the other blog I post at, The Astute Bloggers. Hopefully it will help spread the word. I’m sure many will be interested.

I just looked at all of these, they are Awesome!! I will be using these a lot.