Bush Almost Blew Himself Up! Or Did He?

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Many lefty blogs are talking about this story with sadness: (h/t Hot Air)

Credit Ford Motor Co. CEO Alan Mulally with saving the leader of the free world from self-immolation.

Mulally told journalists at the New York auto show that he intervened to prevent President Bush from plugging an electrical cord into the hydrogen tank of Ford’s hydrogen-electric plug-in hybrid at the White House last week. Ford wanted to give the Commander-in-Chief an actual demonstration of the innovative vehicle, so the automaker arranged for an electrical outlet to be installed on the South Lawn and ran a charging cord to the hybrid. However, as Mulally followed Bush out to the car, he noticed someone had left the cord lying at the rear of the vehicle, near the fuel tank.

"I just thought, ‘Oh my goodness!’ So, I started walking faster, and the President walked faster and he got to the cord before I did. I violated all the protocols. I touched the President. I grabbed his arm and I moved him up to the front," Mulally said. "I wanted the president to make sure he plugged into the electricity, not into the hydrogen This is all off the record, right?"

I call bulls&*t

I find it hard to believe that the Ford Motor Company designed a car in which a electrical plug can be plugged into a hydrogen tank.  Are they freakin kidding me?  This is what would have happened if Mulally hadn’t of so "courageously" intervened, Bush would have looked around for the most likely spot to plug it in and found the correct spot since you CANNOT plug a electrical cord into a hydrogen tank. 

This Mulally either wanted to make Bush look dumb by telling this idiotic story or he wanted to make himself seem more important, either way Ford did not design a car so poorly that it can be blown up by putting a electrical plug near the hydrogen tank. 

The lefties are up in arms tho, they would have enjoyed nothing more then to see our President blown to pieces.  What a lovely bunch.

Even better, they believe the story. 


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If, and I mean it is a big if, the design flaw was this big, Ford has a major issue that will come back in class action suits up the gazzo.

How would a gas port look like an electrical plugin?

Maybe more like a tire valve or something, but an electrical connection.

That requires at least twenty engineers signing off on a circular head butt.

No way these engineers allowed something like that to happen. No, it’s either Mulally wanting to tell a tall tale about saving the President or he just wants to make him look dumb. But I love how all the lefty sites are eating this up. Silly silly lefties.

Can anyone now question the fact the the ‘nut’ in nutroots on the left is the correct word?

You know, Ford does have a history of explody cars

I’ll tell you, the left is a clueless bloodthirsty bunch–and they say we conservatives are war mongers.

The sad fact is that our troops fight murderers, killers, and plain old criminals everyday so that these nutroots can have their say. I only wish they would use that freedom to be fair, honest, and appropriate…but that’s asking too much from the kooks at DKos and Dummies U.