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More Global Warming Fanaticism

So Marie Horrigan writes this winner of an article for the faithful inside the Global Warming religion and gets just about everything wrong:

Although the scientific community has long been aware of the problem, recent studies indicating the speed of climate change have surprised even scientists and ramped up the debate. Yvo de Boer, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, said a U.N. report released Feb. 2 “leaves no doubt as to the dangers mankind is facing. . . . Any notion that we do not know enough to move decisively against climate change has been clearly dispelled.”

Research that global warming may be contributing to stronger storms and could lead to a repeat of tragedies such as Hurricane Katrina — which wreaked destruction on New Orleans and other Gulf Coast locations in 2005 — have put a face on the issue for many Americans. Outreach efforts, such as the Gore documentary, have aimed to explain the science behind global warming, making the issue more accessible.

Oh really?  That Feb 2nd summary said nothing of the sort.  It actually downgraded much of the hype they wrote in the last report:

Figures in the final draft of the UN’s fourth five-year report on climate change show that the previous report, in 2001, had overestimated the human influence on the climate since the Industrial Revolution by at least one-third.

Also, the UN, in its 2007 report, has more than halved its high-end best estimate of the rise in sea level by 2100 from 3 feet to just 17 inches. It suggests that the rate of sea-level rise is up from 2mm/yr to 3mm/year – no more than one foot in a century.

UN scientists faced several problems their computer models had not predicted. Globally, temperature is not rising at all, and sea level is not rising anything like as fast as had been forecast. Concentrations of methane in the air are actually falling.

The Summary for Policymakers was issued February 2, 2007, but the report on which the Summary is based will not be published until May. This strange separation of the publication dates has raised in some minds the possibility that the Summary (written by political representatives of governments) will be taken as a basis for altering the science chapters (written by scientists, and supposedly finalized and closed in December 2006).

The draft of the science chapters, now being circulated to governments for last-minute comments, reveals that the tendency of computers to over-predict rises in temperature and sea level has forced a major rethink.

In fact Climate Audit shows us how the numbers have been fudged by the fanatics. 

And about those storms:

Chris Landsea, science and operations director of the National Hurricane Center in Miami, said the notion that global warming is causing an increase in hurricanes gained widespread attention after the stormy seasons of 2004 and 2005.

But that perception is wrong and the statistics don’t bear it out, Landsea told about 200 students and professors in the auditorium at USC’s geography building.

Further study continues to show that hurricane activity occurs in cycles of 20 to 45 years, he said. Even though the seasons of 2004, when four hurricanes bashed Florida, and 2005, when Katrina devastated New Orleans and neighboring parts of the Gulf Coast, seemed shocking, they were no more intense than some storms in the early part of the 20th century and in the 1930s, Landsea said.

The 1926-1935 period was worse for hurricanes than the past 10 years and 1900-1905 was almost as bad, he said. So it is not true that there is a trend of more and stronger hurricanes.

"It’s not a trend, it’s a cycle: 20-45 years quiet, 20-45 years busy," Landsea said. Scientists currently have no idea what causes the time period.

What makes the recent storms seem worse is the amount of damage, and that is because of the amount of people and their structures on the coast, elements that barely existed in the early 1900s.
…"An Inconvenient Truth," the book by former Vice President Al Gore, also persuaded some people that global warming is contributing to hurricane frequency and strength, Landsea said.

But facts that also refute the theory are that tropical storms are weakening and becoming less frequent in all oceans except the Atlantic, he said.

If the storms were caused by global warming, they would be getting worse everywhere, he said.

And recall that many disciples of the Global Warming religion were saying that 2006 was going to be even worse then 2005 when Katrina hit, but guess what?  Not one hurricane hit our shores. Why?  Well Donald Sensing finds the answer:

Part of the reason for the slow season is that tropical western Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are running about normal, if not slightly below normal. … The cooler SSTs in the Atlantic are not an isolated anomaly. In a research paper being published next month in Geophysical Research Letters, scientists will show that between 2003 and 2005, globally averaged temperatures in the upper ocean cooled rather dramatically, effectively erasing 20% of the warming that occurred over the previous 48 years.

Catch that? In only two years, a fifth of the warming that had occurred in almost a half-century was erased. Twenty percent of the warming erased in four percent of the time. No explanation seems to be forthcoming from global warming apocalyptics as to how this cooling occurred, since they blame human activity for the previous warming.

How is it that supposedly educated men and women fall for this scam?  A few decades ago people were falling all over themselves getting hysterical over the coming ice age because of us wasteful humans. 

"It is a cold fact: the Global Cooling presents humankind with the most important social, political, and adaptive challenge we have had to deal with for ten thousand years. Your stake in the decisions we make concerning it is of ultimate importance; the survival of ourselves, our children, our species,"
Lowell Ponte, 1976

Now it’s global warming:

The theory of Global Warming is ultimately based on nothing more than the unavailability, post-1980, of a continuing pattern of cooler weather. When it had been getting colder for a few years, the same kinds of authority were projecting a new Ice Age, brought about by mankind’s hubris in creating industrial civilization with attendant contamination of pristine Nature. The vital remedy was more taxes and greater regulatory restriction of American productivity and energy consumption. When temperature trends reversed, curiously enough, the causes and the cure remained exactly the same. The only change is that the media and the left went from agitating over Global Cooling to agitating over Global Warming without missing a beat, and essentially the same agitprop has simply increased in volume and alleged urgency for years.

These people want us to ruin our economy to save the ever changing climate, that has always changed and always will, for what?  All the while giving China and India the chance to pollute even more.  I mean what kind of twisted logic is this? 

No one knows for sure what causes the climate to change, but these arrogant nimrods have the gall to say the debate is over. 

But at least the zealots can claim one small victory, scaring the bejesus outta kids:

HALF of children between the ages of seven and 11 are anxious about the effects of global warming and often lose sleep over it, according to a new report.

A survey of 1,150 youngsters found that one in four blamed politicians for the problems of climate change, while one in seven said their own parents were not doing enough to improve the environment.

How proud they must feel.

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