I watched the State Of The Union Address last night and came away impressed. When Bush spoke about the War on Terror the look of determination on his face told me that he was not going to back down. He was not going to lose this war on his watch and that gave me comfort.
As for the the Democrats response, Scott did a piece below which illustrates how they responded. At first they were all lovey-dovey until Bush began on the War on Terror at which point they froze. It was a disgusting image of partisanship while we are at war. But I was not surprised. We have seen this from the left for years and it will not change.
But I take heart in the fact that under Bush’s watch we will not surrender on the War on Terror.
What will 2008 bring tho?
Here is a video of some of my favorite moments, including the whole War on Terror passage:
See author page
“Curt”, I’m not sure as to why you trust Republicans on terror more than Democrats – after all, under Reagan, 300 Marines died in their sleep, under Bush I, Saddam got a free pass to develope all those terrible WMDs, and under Bush II (and a Republican congress), the WTC and Pentagon were attacked – with ample warning that the attack was coming. Under Bush II, our ports are still wide open, illegal immigration runs unchecked, our chemical plants are unguarded, and he’s thinned our troops terribly with his non-terror related forray into Iraq (which Bush admitted when he said Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11) – all the while, bin Laden is still free. I know it’s popular to blame Clinton and Carter for bin laden – even if he was the creation of Reagan and Bush – but the fact is, he struck while Bush was in charge and he still runs free… I hope when the next election comes, Democrats remind America of this over and over…