Have you heard of the movie called 9/11 Mysteries? If not here is the screwballs describing the movie:
The day the fantasy died. We were no longer "protected by our oceans." The government was taken by surprise. All of normalcy was shattered that morning, our spirit kicked in the gut, our American confidence diabolically destroyed.
Who were the Beelzebubs that plotted to murder our innocent? Nineteen photos revealed the next day. Hijackers. Muslims. Commanded by a madman hiding in a cave. Or so we were made to believe.You may or may not have swallowed the "official story." Some of us were alert enough to shake our heads and say, "Those buildings came down much too fast." Others blocked the disaster from their minds, living life as they thought they had known it. But the scenery had changed. The buzzwords were born. "Nine Eleven! September Eleven! September Eleventh!" Everywhere you went, they were jabbered.
Our consciousness had been altered
What if it wasn’t an accident?What if it wasn’t beyond our control?
What if it was all planned?
That’s right, it’s a 2+ hour movie chock full of that finger licking conspiracies we have all grown to despise. Thanks to The Doc we now have a rebuttal to the fruitcakes. He has made a film that answers all the conspiracy nuts out there with this movie: (h/t Screw Loose Change)
You can download a DVD quality movie here. The Doc is also making a website and guide to accompany the film so you can follow along.
Also, you may recall my earlier post in which I pointed out some, um, quirks with a truther named Barbara Honegger. Well Pat at Screw Loose Change found a 1985 Newsweek article in which she states she is planning to make a musical, she will star as the Munchkin and Ronald Reagan as The Wizard:
After thinking "very, very deeply and seriously and lightheartedly" about it, she decided against the lawsuits she’d been planning against government officials. Instead she’s writing a musical satire whose working title is "The Wizard Because"; a "New York producer," she says, is "very, very interested." In the show, Honegger is a Munchkin, Reagan is the Wizard, the heartless, ax-wielding Tin Woodman is David Stockman and Dorothy — for whom there is no Washingtonian counterpart — has trouble getting back to Kansas because of Reagan’s farm policies. Honegger’s collaborator, a woman named Raye Dyer, is a former Gary Hart campaign worker. "There’ll be some zingers in there," says Dyer. "Oh, yes, there will be." Parody, Honegger adds, is the best answer to the ridicule she endured, "a response in kind — with a positive message. Oh, we’re so excited."
As always, these truthers have some quality people backing them.
See author page
Well….I couldn’t sit through all of that, especially where I have to read. But thanks for posting this, Curt; it makes a good resource.
It’s sad that we have to inform and educate ourselves in order to have rebuttals to looney arguments from the conspiracy nuts. What a time-waster, since they won’t even listen, anyway, to whatever logical argument you present before them.
Isn’t it amazing that Olberman, Newsweek, NYT, and all the typical moonbattus Denialus rave about Fox’ “24”, but they’ve nothing to say about this as fear mongering?
there are more dream like qualities to this 911 debunked film than in the original 911 mysteries film! I never considered the Mysteries film to be anything more than similar trash that comes out like the area 51 conspiracies, but this ‘debunking’ makes me think that the mysteries film might be on to something if thats all youcan come up with to ‘debunk’ it!
“911 Mysteries–Part 1: Demolitions” is actually an excellent resource for people to learn about how the World Trade Centers were brought down by controlled demolition. Sure, people on the “official story” side and the “truth” side can mock each other at a personal level, as floppingaces seems to enjoy doing and as some truthers do too, but that’s a distraction from the real issue– The evidence could not be stronger that those buildings were brought down by explosives. Aside from the cheesy voiceover and dramatic music, “911 Mysteries–Part 1: Demolitions” does a very good job at explaining the demolitions.
So you proof of the core still standing is a plum of smoke?
Another good source is here: http://www.brasschecktv.com/page/54.html
Physics Professor Steven Jones of Brigham Young University demonstrates and speaks about samples of Thermate recovered from the bases of the North and South towers. Thermate is a patented form of Thermite which contains sulphur and has only one legitimate use- cutting structural steel exactly as can be seen in post 9-11 photos. This burns so hot that pools of molten metal was still glowing white hot a month after the buildings came down. Anyone can see this for themselves.
There is also WTC leaseholder Larry Silverstein admitting on a tv news program that he ordered Building Seven ‘pulled’, an industry term for controlled demolition. The Truth Deniers tied themselves in knots trying to explain that one away, and then did what the bogus 9-11 Commission did- ignored it.
The Truth Deniers are like Flat-Earthers or neo-con Christians- they’re goint to believe in their Flat-Earth Jesus no matter what. They need it just that badly. Who cares?
Pure Garbage! This is a sad and pathetic attempt to smear and attack everyone with an opinion outside believers of the “Official Fairy Tale.” They attack everything right from the f-ing bell! First, they go after Brad, the self-described demolition hobbyist who appears at the very beginning of the film. They immediately make fun of his admitted hobbyist status and compare his credentials to that of the NIST panel. But, they forgot to mention that the White House had insiders on the 9/11 Commission and with NIST. And with such obvious conflicts of interests, both the NIST and 9/11 Commission reports might as well be used as toilet paper!
This video also avoids talking about the many scientists, engineers, and professors who believe that the official story is what’s really bunk. They even quote a civil engineer from BYU to debunk Professor Jones, the physicist from BYU. But a civil engineer hardly knows anything about science when compared to a physicist. In fact, that profession wouldn’t even exist if not for the guidance of true scientists!
This video has more deceptions than any so-called “conspiracy nut” could ever dream of. For instance, nobody ever said that there was a 100% total complete pulverization at Ground Zero (although it has got to be f-ing up there!). And a gravitational collapse wouldn’t produce such a vast amount of dust. Only a volcano or an explosion can produce the pyroclastic clouds of dust that we saw in NYC, on 9/11. Where are the massive steel beams? Where are the stacks of floors to prove the so-called pancake theory? It’s mostly dust!!!
A 767 couldn’t have been going anywhere near 500 mph. This has already been proven! Check out Pilots for 911 Truth. At such low altitudes, these planes would have ripped themselves apart while flying at speeds in the low two-hundred’s, much less five-hundred’s (mph). Planes simply can’t fly at such speeds while they are so low in the atmosphere. The air is so thick that the turbine will lock up, transforming it from a jet engine into an unintended brake that literally rips the wing off the plane (on the affected side). Speeds of 500+ mph are cruising speeds meant for flying at an altitude of 30,000 feet. This video is a joke!!!
Wow, all of this, and I’m only about 8.5 minutes into this garbage (I tend to respond to BS as soon as I see it!) Excuse me while I go puke now!
I stopped watching this about 2 minutes in after you started accusing the author of the video you were supposed to be debunking of hallucinating and being insane, etc. I don’t believe in the conspiracy theories, but your video loses all credibility once you start going into personal insults like a child,
Grow up,
Make a serious video.
@Thomas B: Rofl….ok, I need to grow up but since I did not make the video you need to learn some reading comprehension and read the damn post before you spout off like an idiot. Hell, it even says on the video who made it.
Are you really that ignorant to believe this garbage?
People are waking up everyday to the truth on 911.
Only a nut would still claim that 2 planes brought down 3 buildings..
To the person that post this video on this page, remember you help keep people asleep to the truth. I hate to be you when you are standing in front of GOD one day.
People stop going to ignorant web sites like this and pray for the truth on 911
This web page is a joke!!!
The year 2001 should not be repeated