New Jersey recently told the rest of the Country that teaching our youth about the sacrifices made by our Veterans is a waste of their time and money:
For World War II veteran Sam Stia, a legislative proposal that would cease requiring New Jersey schools to teach about Veterans Day and Memorial Day can be summed up in two words.
[…]Mr. Stia and other veterans are steamed about the proposal, which state lawmakers unanimously passed last month. It now awaits action by the governor. It was included as part of a larger measure designed to help control property taxes, mostly by abolishing some laws on school purchasing and public hearings.
New Jersey American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars groups have asked Gov. Jon Corzine to veto the bill so schools still have to teach about Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
"It’s not right. They’re not going to know the sacrifices that were made so they can enjoy the protections that they have," said Hank Adams, New Jersey VFW adjutant and an Army and Coast Guard veteran.
The governor hasn’t decided how to proceed. "We’re reviewing that bill," Corzine spokesman Anthony Coley said.
[…]Mr. Adler said he understood and respected the veterans’ concerns, but argued that curriculum, not state mandates, should drive instruction.
"I don’t think the state should be in the business of telling districts to do every single thing," he said.
New Jersey school officials support the bill.
So will they stop teaching about Martin Luther King also? Or is that more valuable then our kids learning about our Veterans and the sacrifices made by them?
While this law will not ban the schools from teaching about Veterans Day and Memorial Day it does take away the law that mandated they teach about those days. Either way, it is not acceptable. Those who have given their lives for this country need to be remembered and taught to our youth.
Please contact the Governor and let him know that he MUST veto this trash:
Office of the Governor
PO Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625
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