The Obvious Consequences of an American Retreat From Iraq?

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“Some day this war’s gonna end.”-Col Kilgore, Apocalypse Now

What do people think will happen if the US retreats from Iraq?

Do people really believe that if we call a retreat a “strategic redeployment” that 5 billion people on the globe will be easily mislead into believing that a retreat is not a retreat?

Does anyone really believe that the insurgency and sectarian violence there will weaken, dissolve, disappear, and a utopian, shiny happy people-place will follow (as the pre-invasion footage of Iraq in Michael Moore’s movie, Fahrenheit 911 illustrated)?

Does anyone really believe that the Iraqis will not seek vengeance upon the United States after suffering (2) US invasions, (7) American bombing campaigns, (12) years of sanctions/blockade that lead to the starvation of millions, and of course the 12,000-660,000 Iraqis who are estimated to have died in the occupation?  And were there to be Iraqi terrorist attacks on Akron, Ohio do we deserve it (ie, does my 2 year old little boy deserve to die in a vengeful Iraqi terrorist attack, and should I not seek vengeance instead of acceptance if that occurs)?

Does anyone think that the four initial and primary instigators in the Iraq insurgency (Saddam remnants in Syria, Al Queda, Iran, and the Syrian government) will all just cease their support, training, equipping, and funding of insurgency operations, or will their efforts increase?

If the insurgency and sectarian violence continues-as expected-in the wake of a fleeing American fleet packed with escaping American soldiers, then will that violence stay contained in Iraq even without a border patrol, a fence, or even a good marking on a map, or will the insurgency spread to neighboring countries evoking a regional war?

“After a little resistance [in Somalia], The American troops left after achieving nothing. They left after claiming that they were the largest power on earth. They left after some resistance from powerless, poor, unarmed people whose only weapon is the belief in Allah The Almighty, and who do not fear the fabricated American media lies. We learned from those who fought there, that they were surprised to see the low spiritual morale of the American fighters in comparison with the experience they had with the Russian fighters. The Americans ran away from those fighters who fought and killed them, while the latter were still there. If the U.S. still thinks and brags that it still has this kind of power even after all these successive defeats in Vietnam, Beirut, Aden, and Somalia, then let them go back to those who are awaiting its return. “
-Osama Bin Laden Interview with Peter Arnett Late March 1997

To be clear:

America fought against an insurgency in Vietnam, was never defeated on the battlefield, but the war was unpopular at home, and so the American people demanded that their politicians cease funding the war, call it “peace with honor,” and retreated without being defeated in the field.

America fought against a Jihadi insurgency/civil war in Lebanon in the 1980’s.  There were American casualties, and the American people demanded that the US troops retreat from the field of battle.

America tried to save lived in Somalia, turned over command of operations to the UN, then encountered an Al Queda-trained, Jihadi insurgency.  American troops were ambushed one day, and despite losing dozens of their own while killing as many as 10,000 of their attackers, the American people demanded their politicians order a retreat from the battlefield.

In Iraq, America defeated a conventional army, but when faced with a Jihadi insurgency and subsequent civil war, the American people lost faith in their troops’ ability to succeed, and so Americans compel their politicians to order American troops to retreat from the field despite never having lost a battle to the enemy.

If this last example of American Engage-and-Retreat military action actually occurs, what strategy would an intelligent future enemy of the United States choose, and what iota of evidence suggests that aiming to force US troops to retreat by destroying America’s inherently weak resolve for war can one point to as an example of why such post-Korea strategies might fail?  Lacking such examples or spun reasoning, doesn’t it seem likely that if America lost Vietnam, Beirut, Somalia, and Iraq not because the military forces were defeated but because the American people felt defeated, then every future enemy of the US will try the same tactics that succeeded in defeating the US in the past?

If a football team does nothing but pass, and loses every game in which it tries to run the ball, doesn’t it seem logical that future opponents will always try to force the run so that they might win as others had in the past?   Our enemies learn from our defeats.  After Operation Desert Storm, America’s enemies haven’t even ordered their air forces to take off and try to fight the USAF.  They know they will be defeated.  However, they all seek to use the media, pandering politicians, and sympathetic Americans with no resolve for war as their own targets and means to the ends of their success: the enemy’s success.

Planet Earth is not a civilized planet.  There are varying degrees of civilization, but by and large it is not civilized, not fair, and the rules of law (or even justice) simply do not prevail.  Too often there are human beings who-through either birth defect or personal experience just lose their sense of being, and they become human only in animal form.  Dhamer, Manson, Stalin, Hitler, Amin, Saddam, Milosovic…these human monsters are real.  Ultimately, mankind has not outgrown war.

There will be other wars after Iraq.

How the Iraq War ends is how those wars will be waged.  Generals too often train to fight the last war again, but so too do the politicians who control them, and so too does the population that controls the politicians.

Osama Bin Laden, and every single bi-partisan investigation into the 911 attacks has shown that the trend of America’s Engage-and-Retreat foreign policy is what leads America’s enemies to attack in the reasonable expectation that if the attack is devastating enough, America will seek to appease their attackers rather than engage in wars that last more than a year or so.

So here we are-wondering how to end the war in Iraq; how to leave Iraq secure and stable enough so that my 2 year old son doesn’t have to go and invade an anarchic nation where terrorists have free reign on the scale of Lebanon in the 1980’s, Somalia in the early 1990’s, The Balkans in the mid 1990’s, or Afghanistan in the late 1990’s.

Today’s 18yr old soldiers were often the same age that my son is today when the US first invaded Iraq, engaged Saddam, and then arbitrarily declared victory and retreated at the demands of the American people who demanded it of their politicians who ordered the “victorious” retreat.

“We wage war that we may live in peace”

Will America wage war so that my son can live in peace when he’s 18, or will we engage in war and then retreat so that he can be the third generation to invade Iraq?  What effect do you think an American retreat from Iraq will have, and how will we have to deal with those effects?

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We remain in Iraq for the remainder of Bush’s term.

And, yes. This could be a topic in the 2008 race. What will the donks’ run on? That it “takes too long?” How do you sell that one?

How do the donks even recover from the position they’ve taken against Bush since the November elections?

Sure looks like Bush played a mean poker hand. And, the donks went overboard (once James Baker’s cards were shown). Which was a great fake on Bush’s part. Plus, he didn’t get into the ways in which the donks carried their new “majority banner.”


If Bush is moving fast, exactly how do the politicians who want to survive, climb aboard his train?

You need an answer? Watch LOTT. Because in any given case, if LOTT has more votes than Reid, the President won’t have to use his VETO PEN.

And, if Bush uses his veto pen? Where’s the downside to that?

And, what happens the next time democraps dress up as Blue Dogs? What can they sell the people? When all the people can see is what Pelosi and her company did with her majority chair?

Of course, we could take bets on how long pelosi stays seated? You give her the full two years? I guess, then, there’s no effective “intervention” available to democrats. No Betty Ford to speak of, huh?

There is a factual catch 22 re the Iraq war:

If America leaves, Iraq collapses into a terrorist haven like Afghanistan was, and then the US will have to invade a third time-and will have to occupy under far far more dangerous conditions.

Then there’s the political catch 22. Dems want a pullout, can’t even envision let alone stomach a victory/success, but now they’re in power, and any loss resulting from actions they take with that new power means the results (post Amercian occupation chaos and a 3rd invasion) will be their fault. They cut off the war to end it, then the way it ends is their burden. SO they need a way for the US to lose, to lose in a way that’s not accountable to them politically, and they need to spin it hard/fast.

1) ya can’t lose in Iraq and have it be an acceptable outcome

2) ya can’t be the instrument of that defeat and then point fingers (certainly not after having caused 4 defeats with the same tactic…that kinda thing is a haunting trend that is inescapable politically)

3) there’s an elephant in the room, and few noticed it:

The very first thing dems did upon taking power was a rules change in the house. Now, instead of a 2/3’s vote, budgets need only a majority (dems have a majority=now they can make any budget they want). option A is of course cutting off funds for Iraq, but then they risk getting the blame for the after effects, and it’s hard to run in 08 while millions die in Iraq. option B is to present the President with a budget packed with new taxes, higher taxes, every possible earmark and new spending program imaginable, and make the budget so big and bad that…..

….President Bush has to veto it/President Bush is the one who cuts off funding.

I have yet to see a single news pundit point this out.

What was the Dem’s “New Direction In Iraq” plan? It was simply to manipulate the House rules so that America loses a war, but they don’t get the blame.

That’s it.

Simple plan.

The only problem remaining is one that pundit Laura Schwartz accidentally dropped last night on The Factor. She said, “Democrats want America to win in Iraq” Bill let it slide. He let her spin and only giggled, blushed, and smiled.

Me, I’d have asked, “How?”

“How do Democrats want America to win in Iraq-what’s their plan?”

“What was their plan in Feb 02-to just let inspections continue until the plan to attack the US (Detailed in the Pentagon Iraqi Perspectives Project Report) came to fruition?”

“What was their plan in 04 when a dozen candidates ran for office by taking both sides of the issue-being for the war before being against it, but always being for it/victory?”

“Give one example of how Democrats WANT America to be successful and victorious in Iraq, and then explain why the only pro-war Democrat was driven from the Democratic Party in favor of Kossack, loony tune, Ned Lamont?”

Democrats want America to win in Iraq….WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP

I want to clarify, I don’t think everyone who is a democrat wants America to lose in Iraq. I believe most want us to win, but there is an obligation to explain how one can be anti-war and want America to win both at the same time.

If one is anti-war in Iraq, then they are opposed to it, and will not support it=no support=don’t want to win

If one wants something to happen, they support it
If one doesn’t want something to happen, they oppose it

Is that hard to explain
Is it hard to swallow?