Al-Qaeda Backed Into A Corner

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Now this is classic!

Somali troops backed by Ethiopians prepared to launch a major assault Friday on the last stronghold of Islamic movement militiamen.

U.S. Navy warships were patrolling off the Somali coast to prevent the militiamen from escaping by sea.

The Somali and Ethiopian force captured a southern town near the Kenyan border Thursday evening. Col. Barre "Hirale" Aden Shire, the Somali defense minister, said Islamic militiamen were dug in with their backs to the sea at Ras Kamboni at the southernmost tip of Somalia.

"Today we will launch a massive assault on the Islamic courts militias. We will use infantry troops and fighter jets," said Shire, who left for the battle zone on Friday. "They have dug huge trenches around Ras Kamboni but have only two options: to drown in the sea or to fight and die." (See map)

Somali government and Ethiopian troops routed the Council of Islamic Courts militia last week, driving them out of the capital and their strongholds in southern Somalia. The Islamic movement had wanted to rule Somalia by the Quran and some of its leaders had been linked to the al Qaeda terrorist movement.

Centcom: (via The Jawa Report)

Coalition ships from the British-led Combined Task Force (CTF) 150 continue to maintain a presence off the east coast of Africa in response to the recent events in Somalia.

CTF 150 includes USS Ramage (DDG 61) and USS Bunker Hill (CG 52) and other coalition ships. These warships are conducting maritime security operations (MSO) to ensure continued security and stability of international waters surrounding the Horn of Africa.

Coalition naval forces are performing boardings on a number of vessels to deter individuals with links to al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations the use of the sea as a potential escape route….

…MSO help set the conditions for security and stability in the maritime environment, as well as complement the counter-terrorism and security efforts of regional nations. These operations deny international terrorists use of the maritime environment as a venue for attack or to transport personnel, weapons or other material.

What does Al-Qaeda have to say?

My Muslim brothers in Somalia: Do not be terrified by America’s power as you have defeated it before, thanks to God and His grace.

Today, America is weaker than before as the mujahidin dealt a fatal blow to it in Afghanistan and Iraq. Hence, it sent its slaves to you. Therefore, do not be affected by the first shock, it is just worthless propaganda, arrogance, and haughtiness. The real battle will begin by launching your campaigns against the Ethiopian forces with God’s help and might. The faithful groups– in their pursuit of death for the sake of God– will devour the Crusader invading Ethiopian Army, which has launched an aggression against the lands of Islam, God willing.

Hey, did you know we were defeated in Iraq and Afghanistan?  News to me.

We are defeating them bit by bit people.  We’ve killed them from Afghanistan to Iraq, and now in Somalia while they have learned that there is no never-ending spigot of ignorant people willing to die for a cause that is evil. 

You kill them and they stay dead.

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Doesn’t look like your trackbacks are working. I excerpted and linked here earlier today.

Anyone notice who’s got the back door closed on the Jihadis?

Yep, the US Navy has moved into position and is keeping them from leaving the beach areas. From the shores of Tripoli to the coast of Somalia…the US Navy seems to get off fighting pirates! I would love to see a flotilla of pirate bassmaster assault craft try to zip off the beach and escape past a few Burke class destroyers. It’d make the Mariannas Turkey Shoot look like American Shooter Navy style

We are defeating them bit by bit people. We’ve killed them from Afghanistan to Iraq, and now in Somalia

What do you mean “We”????

By that I take it you have either been overseas fightin’ the terrorists already or are planning to enlist on Thursday after hearing Dear Leader’s great new plan for his Churchillian effort in the Great War of Civilization.

Or, as seems much more likely, are you one more of the smug little boys who loves this war and “fights” it from the safety of your computer desk all the while holding in contempt those who disagree with our Great Leader?

I know it’s difficult for you liberals to understand this but when it comes to the defense of this country we think of all Americans as WE. I know liberals such as yourself only think in selfish “what can they do for me” modes.

As far as your assertion that I am just a keyboard warrior, I served this country for four years in the Marine Corps, have been a cop for the last 15 years. The last 9 years have been spent patrolling South-Central Los Angeles.

My whole entire adult life has been spent keeping this Country safe….and that includes battling leftards such as yourself via this keyboard.

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The Iraq war — indeed, the larger GWOJ (global war against jihadism) — is as much a propaganda war, a war of ideas and “memes,” as it is a shooting war. Paul Josef Goebbels understood the power of propaganda; so…