Is anyone really surprised by this?
The FBI is missing nearly a quarter of its files relating to investigations of recent leaks of classified information, according to a court filing the bureau made last week.
In response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit, the FBI said it identified 94 leak investigations since 2001, but that the investigative files in 22 of those cases "are missing" and cannot be located. "There is no physical slip of paper on the shelf which indicates that the file has been charged out to a particular FBI employee, so therefore there is no way of knowing where the file may actually be," an official in the bureau’s records division, Peggy Bellando, wrote in a December 22 declaration.
"That’s an amazing number," an academic who has studied the FBI’s record-keeping procedures, Athan Theoharis of Marquette University, said in an interview yesterday. "These are very sensitive investigations. … They could be called to account for whether they are monitoring reporters. These are records that should be handled very well."
Sandy’s stuffing classified documents down his pants and hiding them under trailers while all of a sudden files about classified leaks turn up missing.
Just another day in a world brought to you by the Democrats.
But even though the article is about missing files pertaining to classified leaks (most often involving leaks that attempt to damage the Republicans) the article goes on to interview a professor who see’s the evil Government at work:
Mr. Theoharis, a professor emeritus of history, said that in the 1960s the FBI used procedures known as "do not file" and "summary memoranda" to avoid placing files in the central records system. As a result, he said, the bureau would tell judges or members of Congress that searches turned up no records, when files actually existed in a secondary system.
"There’s no reason to think they’re not doing the same thing today," Mr. Theoharis said. "I don’t want to sound conspiratorial but I don’t think one can discount this."
How do you explain then that almost every single leak was about the Bush administration? The only one in recent history that the left could even call their own would be the Plame case, but we already know who leaked that information out in the case….cough Joe Wilson cough.
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