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Who Is The Anti-Semite Again?

A few days ago Chuck Schumer said this on the ultra-liberal show belonging to Bill Maher: (h/t Larry Elder)

Ha ha, funny stuff right? I mean we all know Republicans hate Israel and the Jews right?

What planet do these guys come from? I mean seriously?

Let me start a list here:

What do all those people have in common? They are all Democrats.

Lets not get into the ongoing attempts to assert, by many Democrats, that the Neo-Cons only went to war in Iraq at the behest of Israel while they support Israel’s enemies…..namely Hezbollah and Hamas.

Don’t believe me? Check out the many polls done recently. In one it shows that only 47% of Democrats support Israel while 72% of Republican do. A big big difference.

The LA Times did a poll where they ask if Israel is justified in retaliating against Hezbollah for the kidnapping of it’s soldiers and if the response is not too harsh. Only 29% of Democrats agreed while 64% of Republicans did. The rest felt it was too harsh or that the retaliation was unjustified. In this poll they found 25% of Republicans felt that Israel was too harsh while over 50% of Democrats felt that way.

Who supports Israel again?

Hell, just check out the article written by Lanny Davis, former advisor to Bill Clinton, where he wrote about how surprised he was when he discovered how bigoted the left is against Israel.

But according to Chuck Schumer it’s Republicans who are anti-Semitic. I mean the outgoing chairman of the RNC is a Jew for friggin sake.

This is the kind of propaganda that is on-going and which we need to fight. Just like this recent show done by the Simpsons where they try to show the US Military as cradle robbers and idiots. Or this show on The Family Guy where they show Republicans as big gay bashers.

They enjoy propagating the myth that Republicans are eeeeviiiilllll money grubbers when the exact opposite is true. We just want Government out of our lives and back into the business of protecting this country.


Larry Elder asked on his show today what we thought might have happened if someone asked a Republican if they thought there would ever be a black President and the Republican said “Yes I do, there are some racists in America but most of them are Democrats anyway….ha ha ha”

Can you imagine the outcry?

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