Evidence That Saddam Intended To Attack The US

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Another good find and translation by Jveritas at Free Republic with this Saddam Document that shows the Iraqi’s plans to attack the US before 9/11:

Document CMPC-2003-006758.pdf contain a memo form the Iraqi Intelligence Service ( The Apparatus) dated March 28 2001 that talks about plans to “Strike US presence and interest” in response to the new policies of President Bush toward Iraq and that aims at toppling the regime according to the memo. Few months ago there was another memo from the Iraqi Air Force also dated March 2001 that talk about recruiting member of the Iraq Air Force to conduct suicide missions against US interest (March 2001 Document: Saddam Regime Recruits Suicide Terrorists to Hit US Interests). This document CMPC-2003-006758.pdf is yet another proof that Saddam regime was working all the time to strike us and that it was our national interest had to take him out.

Translation of pages 5 and 6 of document CMPC-2003-006758.pdf

In the name of God the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

The Presidency of the Republic

The Intelligence Service

Mr: The Respectful Assistant Director of the Apparatus Operations.

Subject: The New American Policy Toward Iraq

Aside is a notice for the 10th Directorate and attached is a note from the respectful Mr. Director of the Apparatus on 24/3/2001 that your Excellency and the two gentlemen directors of the 4th Directorate and 10th Directorate to study in what is issued on the 10th Directorate memo and which includes:

1. The available signs indicate the intentions of America under the presidency of Bush the Son that aim to damage the political leadership in the country, and among it is their seeking to apply what it called the smart sanctions and it summarize as:

A. Allow the importing of humanitarian goods to Iraq without prior approval and this aim to make the leadership in Iraq responsible for the starvation of the Iraqi people and not the responsibility of the United Nations.

B. The return of the Inspectors.

C. The massing of the World opinion around the special procedures to contain Iraq.

D. Travel prohibition for the Iraqi officials and the freezing of their special accounts.

2. The 10th Directorate suggested the following to encounter what was mentioned above.

A. Prepare a public relation plan that aims to clarify the rights of Iraq, and bring up what is related to the Palestinian cause, and the call to strike the presence and interests of America.

B. Work to commit some nations like France, China, Russia and Japan to economical agreements that make the implementation of the smart sanctions to have negative effect to the interests of these nations.

C. Strengthen our embassies with new remarkable staff that is can go toward new windows in the international relations.

D. Make a list of the citizens including those who are in the Apparatus that have in their names foreign accounts and do the procedures to protect these accounts from any enemy action.

E. Insist that that Iraq money will stay local.

Notice the Presidency of what was mentioned above.

Please review and please consider the opinions of the 4th Directorate, the 5th Directorate, and the 40th Directorate in regards to what was mentioned above… with regards.


Director/ S. A. AA.


Recall that in 2004 the Russian President stated he warned the US that Saddam was planning attacks against US interests:

Russian President Vladimir Putin said yesterday that his intelligence service had warned the Bush administration before the U.S. invasion of Iraq that Saddam Hussein’s government was planning attacks against U.S. targets both inside and outside the country.

Putin, who opposed Bush’s decision to go to war in Iraq, did not go into detail about the information that was forwarded, and said Russia had no evidence that Hussein was involved in any attacks.

“After Sept. 11, 2001, and before the start of the military operation in Iraq, the Russian special services, the intelligence service, received information that officials from Saddam’s regime were preparing terrorist attacks in the United States and outside it against the U.S. military and other interests,” Putin said, according to RIA Novosti, the Russian news agency. “American President George Bush had an opportunity to personally thank the head of one of the Russian special services for this information, which he regarded as very important,” the Russian president told an interviewer while in Astana, capital of Kazakhstan.

And then in April of 2001 a letter was written from the Allied Democratic Force inside Africa to Saddam which layed out their plans to make a global hit-team to attack US interests:

The papers show how Iraq’s charge d’affaires in Nairobi, Fallah Hassan Al Rubdie, was in discussion with the Allied Democratic Forces, a Ugandan guerrilla group with ties to other anti-western Islamist organisations.

While the United States has long argued that Saddam’s regime was aiding Islamist groups, it has struggled until now to provide compelling evidence.

In a letter to the head of the Iraqi spy agency, a senior ADF operative outlined his group’s efforts to set up an “international mujahideen team”.

Its mission, he said, “will be to smuggle arms on a global scale to holy warriors fighting against US, British and Israeli influences in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Far East”.

The letter, dated April 2001, was signed: “Your Brother, Bekkah Abdul Nassir, Chief of Diplomacy ADF Forces”.

Nassir offered to “vet, recruit and send youth to train for the jihad” at a centre in Baghdad, which he described as a “headquarters for international holy warrior network”. It was not clear whether the centre was established.

“We should not allow the enemy to focus on Afghanistan and Iraq, but we should attack their international criminal forces inside every base,” the letters said.

Take the Putin warning, the letter written from a known terrorist group to Saddam, the Saddam document which asked for suicide bomber volunteers and this latest one and what you have is some real evidence that Saddam did indeed plan on attacking the US.