Chomsky An Influence On Arizona 9/11 Memorial

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LGF found a winner today with this article in the Phoenix New Times: (h/t Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder)

Come closer, bird-brains. This wicked whippoorwill wants to whisper the name of the radical, blame-America blowhard who partly inspired the controversial list of 54 factoids and quotes cut into the humongo steel Funyun down at Wesley Bolin Plaza, a Funyun otherwise known as AZ’s 9/11 Memorial.

Noam Chomsky. Yep, the way-left loon’s slim volume 9/11 was one of six books listed in the bibliography of research notes from which the memorial’s designers cribbed statements to etch into the Funyun.

Mere mention of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology linguist and American foreign policy critic sends rightists into convulsive spit-fits along the lines of those induced by George Soros and Bill Clinton. Chomsky’s slim, 128-page pamphlet is a fine example why. In it Chomsky alleges the United States is a “terrorist state,” while simultaneously condemning the 9/11 attacks on America.

The fact that Chomsky’s book is in the bibliography of these research notes, compiled by ASU historian Nancy Dallett on behalf of the commission, will be enough for Republigoober Len Munsil and fellow conservatives to conclude that the Funyun’s phraseology is the fruit of fuzzy-headed liberalism.

The taloned one recently thumbed through the binder of Dallett’s notes at the offices of AZ 9/11 Commission Prez Billy Shields. But Chomsky’s screed was hardly the oddest mentioned in this wack-ass anthology.

There was also Media Representations of September 11, a compendium including “Rituals of Trauma: How the Media Fabricated September 11” by Indiana University prof Fritz Breithaupt. In Breithaupt’s essay — reproduced in toto in Dallett’s binders — the daffy don theorizes that folks “harbor a secret desire” for events like September 11, in order to feel condemned, then purified. Sorta like a hot-lead enema for your soul.

[…]Paul Eppinger, commission member and exec director of the Arizona Interfaith Movement, told Dallett how he and his wife were on a road trip from Denver the morning of the attacks and came up with this script on the memorial: “You don’t win battles of terrorism with more battles.”

In other words, “Let’s hug it out, Osama!”

From what little Matt Salenger, part of the architectural team working on the memorial, told The Bird, he, along with wife Maria Salenger and principal architect Eddie Jones, used Dallett’s, er, “scholarship,” to come up with almost all of the text fit to print. According to Shields, the commission then gave the verbiage thumbs up or down.

Chomsky writing helped the designers to come up with this insane memorial! I doubt many are surprised based on the quotes they decided to put on this disgrace, but now there is hard evidence that the designers had one result in mind. To fill it with moonbat appeasement stupidity. I mean it’s hard to believe that Michael Moore wasn’t quoted on this thing if they will take Chomsky.

The article mentions that the researcher for this memorial, and the one who put all this moonbat appeasement crapola in her notes, is one Nancy Dallett:

The same Nancy who wants some 1950’s era apartment building designated as a “historic district”…

The same Nancy who was mentioned in the minutes of this project as the one who came up with the text for the memorial:

Cohn introduced Marie Salenger from the successful design firm to give an overview of the proposed new memorial in Wesley Bolin Plaza to commemorate the events that took place on September 11, 2001 at the World Trade Center Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and on a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. She said that Nancy Dallett was the consultant on the project, who participated in creating the text as well as checking it for accuracy; Salenger is a member of the artist team.

The same Nancy who clearly was one of the driving forces behind the text on this memorial. Dallett, The Salengers, Eppinger…..they all had a hand in making this atrocity on public land. Whether it was funded by private means or not does not matter. It’s on public land and the citizens have the right to destroy this thing.

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