Now this is what you call some internet detective work done by a freeper:
Many of you have written and asked me to let you know what my research into the whole Foleygate has revealed and I think it is time to put it out there and let you folks decide. Whether or not it is later to be discovered as a piece of this Foley Scandal, IT IS STILL EXTREMELY DISTURBING! When several Freepers brought up the first day the scandal broke, I went there to see what it was all about.
Now the whole thing is quite long with LOTS of links and connections so I will not reprint it here. But this question by the freeper should pique your curouisity:
Here are my questions, regardless of whether this SOFTEC SYSTEMS is involved in this particular scandal. Can they capture info on these Congressional Staffers webpages by being the internet provider, etc.? Who hired them and why? AND WHAT THE HELL IS A FLORIDA GAY PORN KING doing hosting web pages on Capitol Hill? Now I understand this is not a government site, but these Congresscritters are not allowed to have campaign type info on their dot gov sites…they have to go elsewhere. How many folks in Congress are using SOFTEC? How many CONGRESSIONAL WIVES ARE?
Go now! This research begs to get answered.
Here is a simplified version of the investigation and it’s results:
Mike Rogers (gay) is the guy who is “outing” gay Republicans.
Mike Rogers used to work for a company that produced Technical contact is Ferrell Ard (gay) (ferrell@BADPUPPY.COM) is run (owned) by William Pinyon (gay) (aka Bill Pinyon) and Ferrell Ard.
Ferrell Ard and Bill Pinyon also are execs/owners of Softec Systems.
Softec Systems hosts the Politics1 website.
Softec Systems also hosts site for Congressional staffers.
Softec Systems also hosts the homepage of The Congressional Club (the official organization for Congressional spouses).
Politics1 is owned/run by Ron Gunzburger (gay), who started that website in 1997.
In 2000 Ron Gunzburger worked at Lobby For Me, Inc.
The admin contact for Lobby For Me’s webiste is Bill Sarpalius.
The technical contact for Lobby For Me’s website is Ferrell Ard at Softec Systems (
Notice that Ferrell Ard does not use his porno email address for this Hill lobbying gig.
Ron Gunzburger also has his own website ( which uses Softec Systems as its server.
Also, in 2004, Gunzburger worked on the presidential campaign of Howard Dean, who we all know is now head of the DNC.
Not that this matters in the storyline, in June 2006, Gunzburger went to Toronto to marry his longtime “partner,” Dana Buker (also gay, but I didn’t need to tell you that).
Bill Pinyon (gay) and Ferrell Ard (gay), a multimillion dollar per year gay hardcore porn site.
Bill Pinyon and Ferrell Ard also own/run Softec Systems, which is the server for (left/liberal),, (Congressional Staffers), and the Congressional Club website (for Congressional spouses).
Could the owners/operators of Softec Systems, both openly gay men making megabucks selling hardcore porn on their internet enterprise,, have access to their clients’ (at either site) private information and/or communications?
Getting more interesting by the moment.

See author page
It would explain how got hold of those filthy audio files of former rep. Ed Schrock(R-of course) describing how he likes his men masculine and in Military dress!!
This links Rogers and Aravorsis to a bunch of usual suspect operators and finally to Softech.
I will have to check but I believe Softec hosted the website for the ex page association Loraditch runs.
Great, great graphics.. I liked reading about the online investigation by Curt and Foleygate. GD.