Another day and more bits of information have come out that, when put together, sure do seem to indicate this whole thing was part of a planned coup d’état against Foley and other gay Republicans who were in the closet.
For my other posts on this subject: (earliest to latest)
- The Latest Democratic Hitjob
- Foleygate Has Begun
- Some Serious Crying From The Left & The Right
- The Foley Scandal Redux
- The Foley Scandal, Part One Billion
And now onto the new revelations. Macsmind, The Strata-Sphere, and the commenters at JustOneMinute have done some excellent fact finding and have come up with lots of new stuff. They are all a definate must-read. The first interesting factiod that came out yesterday was that the FBI issued a response to CREW stating they dropped the ball on the emails:
Law enforcement officials said then that the e-mails did not provide enough evidence of a possible crime to warrant a full investigation. In the e-mails, Foley praises the physical attributes of one page and asks another teenager for his picture.
In subsequent days, unidentified Justice and FBI officials told reporters that the e-mails provided by CREW were heavily redacted and that the group refused to provide unedited versions to the FBI. One law enforcement official — speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation — also told The Washington Post the FBI believed that CREW may have received the e-mails as early as April and that the group refused to tell the FBI how they were obtained.
Of course CREW disputes this and brings out the conspiracy charge (we all knew that the lefties cannot stay away from using that term for something at least once a day):
The watchdog group that first provided the FBI with suspicious e-mails from then-Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) said yesterday that FBI and Justice Department officials are attempting to cover up their inaction in the case by making false claims about the group.
CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan disputed that account, saying the FBI was given the teen’s full e-mail address July 21. CREW received the e-mails that day from “a third party who had gotten them from a congressional staffer,” she said.
Oh really? And who is this staffer?
Also, the Justice Department pretty much backs what most of us have said, these emails do not contain anything that would lead us to believe he was wanting to jump the kids bones:
Justice Department spokesman Brian Roehrkasse declined to comment on that issue but defended the FBI’s handling of the original e-mails: “The e-mails, while inappropriate, did not contain a criminal predicate to allow the FBI to move forward in an investigation.”
Then we have one Robin Katsaros. Who is she? She is writing a book on House Pages. It appears she has been writing this book for sometime according to this exchange on the House Page Alumni Board: (Included in this discussion is the young man who IM’d Foley, Jordon Edmund)
jordanedmund: (Apr 23 2006, 06:34 PM)
Has anyone been in contact with the author? Do we know how it is coming? Was it just given up on?adlaidemocrat: (Apr 24 2006, 03:43 PM)
Not the faintest clue; I would venture to guess it’s been given up. I was never under the impression that the person had a publisher or any such thing.jordanedmund: (Apr 24 2006, 03:43 PM )
When I spoke to her, on the phone, a year or so back, sh said she had written a few other books. I would doubt that there was someone who would be willing to publish a book about pages though. The Clerks counsel would probably keep anything from being published anyway. Probably on the grounds that we all signed confidentiality agreements when we started; so, every interview she did with a page would be null. Just my assumption.adlaidemocrat: (Apr 24 2006, 04:04 PM)
I think the only way something could get published about it is if it were a tell-all memoir (either classy like George Stephanopolous’s “All Too Human” or scandalous like the “Washingtonienne” affair)chiquita banana: (Apr 25 2006, 12:48 PM )
Kinda off subject, but there are House pages in our Algebra book. lolwashingtonmaiden: (Apr 26 2006, 06:30 PM )
i not sure there could be a tell all about pages. dont get me wrong i loved my job. we were not close to any one, stephanopolous had a very close relationship to a president. im not sure about the rest of you but my best relationship seemed to be the wall.we are kinda of dull in comparision to the campagin trail. think about how many hours you spent reading. i finished virginia woolf’s orlando in two weeks. that has to be a record for a woolf novel.
my guess is the pubisher thougt it would be boring”
Back in 2004 Robin responded to the same kind of questioning on when her book would come out:
Aug 1 2004, 09:10 AM
Hello all,
Yes, the book is still in progress. Outline is complete. Four of the fifteen chapters are in rough draft form (the chapters with input from previous Pages has not been completed – this part will take the longest since I have to spend so much time interviewing people and I’ve left this part until the end, although I have received some input from a very few people.) I have an agent (my husband is a published author), but no publisher yet. I am also working with a company that let’s you self publish, sort of Print on Demand. And yes, you do get assigned an ISBN and it will be available at all the major book sellers. So I will do that if my agent can not get a publisher interested. Pictures have not been chosen, many more edits to go through. It’s a long process. I’ve had to squeeze it in with my other responsibilities, so it’s taking longer than I thought. But it IS going to happen, at some point in time. Thanks, Robin Katsaros
So we have a lady who is writing a book about Pages. Now you would think most of what they do would be quite boring, unless of course you have some sex scandals going on, right?
Another interesting factoid about her is that her son is a Page, one appointed by none other then Nancy Pelosi:
“CHRISTOPHER KATSAROS is a sophomore at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. He grew up in Los Altos Hills, CA–just outside of San Francisco. ***Christopher served his junior year of High School working as a Congressional Page by appointment of Nancy Pelosi, currently the Democratic House Leader***. In addition to politics, Chris also enjoys shopping, artichokes, the sun and summer in general. Next semester, Christopher will be going to Dakar, Senegal, where he will go to school and work for an NGO (as well as doing some work with the Peace Corps).
And he is gay:
Status: Single
Here for: Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends
Orientation: Gay
Body type: 5′ 8″ / Athletic
Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Smoke / Drink: No / Yes
Education: In college
He is the same age as Jordon so we can assume he was in the same Page class as Jordon. Recall that a friend of Jordon’s has said that this was all a prank to get Foley to say some nasty stuff….
According to two people close to former congressional page Jordan Edmund, the now famous lurid AOL Instant Message exchanges that led to the resignation of Mark Foley were part of an online prank that by mistake got into the hands of enemy political operatives, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.
According to one Oklahoma source who knows the former page very well, Edmund, a conservative Republican, goaded an unwitting Foley to type embarrassing comments that were then shared with a small group of young Hill politicos. The prank went awry when the saved IM sessions got into the hands of political operatives favorable to Democrats.
Here is a thought, these IM’s were said to have been shared with a small group of Pages, was Christopher one of them? Did this then get into the hands of his Mother who is writing this book about Pages. His Mother, Robin, is a moonbat judging from the house parties she did last year: (House Parties)
“Hi. Randi, Ambassador Joe Wilson and Cong John Conyers are all participating in house parties on Saturday to talk about Downing Street and Rovegate. You can find a link to attend or host one of the house parties on
More than 200 have already been planned everywhere from Buffalo to San Francisco, Sandpoint, Idaho to Rock Hill, South Carolina.
Here’s the full list of house parties planned so far.
She hosted a party where they bring in the “Impeach Bush” bigwigs, this kinda tells me she is a moonbat.
To summerize, we have a moonbat who is writing a book about Pages, it appears for quite some time. This moonbat has a kid who is gay and was also a page at the same time as Jordon (the IM recipient). The IM’s were apparently a prank to get Foley to do some sextalk and then the IM’s were spread around to a group of other Pages.
Now, this is all circumstantial stuff, but if I were the investigating detective I would start focusing on the Katsaros family for being the source of the IM’s. Doesn’t mean they were part of the planned presskrieg, I blame that on CREW and the militant gays Rogers and Aravosis. But it’s something to go on.
Recall ABC’s first response to the IM question:
We became aware of the IMs only after we reported the first blotter item on the emails between Foley and a former page last Thursday, September 28. As we have reported, the IMs were given to us by former pages who contacted us after reading that first story. As for responding to reader’s questions, we have received tens of thousands of comments on these stories. We would like to respond to every question, but as I’m sure you can appreciate, that is not always possible.
Things that make you go hmmmmm…
Kinda ironic that Robin’s husband is the owner of an internet security company:
NetsEdge Research provides marketing and strategy research reports and consulting services, specializing in areas related to Internet infrastructure. NetsEdge offerings combine the formidable and unique experience and perspective of the two principals: John Katsaros and Peter Christy.
Macsmind found some interesting quotes from the Katsaros family:
“”Take those red states and SHOVE IT!” – Robin Katsaros (responding to the miserable social statistics in red states).
“George Bush, don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining!” – Chris Katsaros
“They should do a study on how people from the west coast are better than other people…” – Chris Katsaros
“…I mean but at least both east and west coasters can laugh at the people in the middle: They’re poor and not tan.” – Chris Katsaros
“While we were waiting at Planned Parenthood, she filled out a voter registration form and checked the Republican box… It was so sack-religious.” – Chris Katsaros
“Like I said, the Democrats are way more smarter.” – Chris Katsaros
No biases in this family huh?
Was one of the three new Pages that came out to ABC this week Chris Katsaros?
The pages served in the classes of 1998, 2000 and 2002. They independently approached ABC News after the Foley resignation through the Brian Ross & the Investigative Team’s tip line on None wanted their names used because of the sensitive nature of the communications.
“I was seventeen years old and just returned to [my home state] when Foley began to e-mail me, asking if I had ever seen my page roommates naked and how big their penises were,” said the page in the 2002 class.
The former page also said Foley told him that if he happened to be in Washington, D.C., he could stay at Foley’s home if he “would engage in oral sex” with Foley.
He would have been from that class so the dates jive.
Remember a few years ago when some Republican staffers got canned for getting internal Democratic strategy documents? Recall that the furor was over the staffers getting this info and passing it onto the media, not the info contained in the memos…..
Why are we not seeing this about the staffer who handed over Foley’s documents?
Republican staff members of the US Senate Judiciary Commitee infiltrated opposition computer files for a year, monitoring secret strategy memos and periodically passing on copies to the media, Senate officials told The Globe.
From the spring of 2002 until at least April 2003, members of the GOP committee staff exploited a computer glitch that allowed them to access restricted Democratic communications without a password. Trolling through hundreds of memos, they were able to read talking points and accounts of private meetings discussing which judicial nominees Democrats would fight — and with what tactics.
Democrats now claim their private memos formed the basis for a February 2003 column by conservative pundit Robert Novak that revealed plans pushed by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, to filibuster certain judicial nominees.
I think we all know the answer to that.
Interesting that Jordon Edmund posted 12 minutes after The Blotter first printed about this story isn’t it?
More on Pages in the news, this probably isn’t good press
post Sep 28 2006, 02:12 PM
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Then we have one Robin Katsaros. Who is she? She is writing a book on House Pages. It appears she has been writing this book for sometime according to this exchange on the House Page Alumni Board: (Included in this discussion is the young man who IM’d Foley, Jordon Edmund)

See author page
“According to one Oklahoma source who knows the former page very well, Edmund, a conservative Republican, goaded an unwitting Foley to type embarrassing comments that were then shared with a small group of young Hill politicos.”
post Sep 28 2006, 02:12 PM
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Oklahoma source? One of Jordan’s friends no doubt?
Jreich and Mike,
Wilson/Plame connections all over the place! Hmmmmm.
After playing the Six Degrees of Robin Katsaros, i’ve uncovered an interesting connection. A poster on little green footballs traced the IP address of the stopsexualpredators site back to Royal Oak Michigan. The Deputy Royal Oak City Attorney is running against the republican incumbent from the 8th congressional district of Michigan,in what many believe to be the closest race in the state. His name is Jim Marcinkowski. He is an ex CIA analyst, and friend of Valerie Plame. He was also present at a party for Joe Wilson, as Kastaros stated she was. So we can link Marcinkowski to: Valerie Plame…Joe Wilson…Robin Katsaros-who is the mother of ex congressional page Chris Katsaros-who was appointed by Nancy Pelosi. May be nothing, but is probably worth looking into further.
Wow! I’ve nearly acquired a headache from trying to absorb all of that. I posted on this as well, but the post was merely about the fact that the Drudge Report said yesterday that this kid was 18 when the first e-mails began and he is now 21. I had no clue about this woman moonbat writing a book about pages. I agree that you are safe in surmising her to be a moonbat, and it isn’t a strech to suspect her in being a part of all this.