Feds Lets Two Terrorists Go Free

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Amazing that in this day and age, post 9/11, our court system has no qualms about letting two admitted terrorists go free without any bail: (via Cheat Seeking Missiles)

Lacey Phillabaum was a champion high-school debater who majored in art history at the University of Oregon. Jennifer Kolar’s scientific bent took her to the University of Colorado, where she pursued a doctorate degree and attended climate conferences.

They were both members of the elusive underground of the Earth Liberation Front, which early on the morning of May 21, 2001, set off a firebomb that caused $7 million in damages at the University of Washington’s Center for Urban Horticulture.

On Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Tacoma, Phillabaum and Kolar pled guilty to participating in the UW arson and other crimes. They pledged their cooperation in a continuing federal investigation into a series of other arsons and attacks on property by Earth Liberation Front (ELF) and the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) across the West.

Under the terms of separate plea agreements, prosecutors will recommend that Kolar, 33, of Seattle, receive a federal prison sentence of five-to-seven years, and a three-to-five-year term for Phillabaum, 31, of Spokane. The two were released without bail following their pleas.

“These violent acts of destruction are not a valid form of political speech,” said U.S. Attorney John McKay. “We hope that these significant prison terms will dissuade others.”

Ok, these are two admitted terrorists and our courts let them go. Not only did they let them go free but without any bail whatsoever. Why? Because they “are just hippie chicks”? These two used tried and true terrorist techniques to get their way using destruction of property as their target but they get to go home and see mama, hell, they may even go visit another country…..

But no, they would never run.

The FBI had ranked the ELF and the ALF as among the nation’s top domestic terrorism threats after a string of attacks beginning in 1996 against U.S. Forest Service buildings, a Vail, Colo., ski resort, a wild horse slaughterhouse and other targets.

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Right you are, title changed.