So a partisan hack writes a book about the supposed inner workings of the Bush administration, without naming any sources of course:
Like Mr. Woodward’s previous works, the book includes lengthy verbatim quotations from conversations and describes what senior officials are thinking at various times, without identifying the sources for the information.
And we all should drop to our knee’s screaming “look at how screwed up they are!”
WASHINGTON, Sept. 28 — The White House ignored an urgent warning in September 2003 from a top Iraq adviser who said that thousands of additional American troops were desperately needed to quell the insurgency there, according to a new book by Bob Woodward, the Washington Post reporter and author. The book describes a White House riven by dysfunction and division over the war.
The warning is described in “State of Denial,” scheduled for publication on Monday by Simon & Schuster. The book says President Bush’s top advisers were often at odds among themselves, and sometimes were barely on speaking terms, but shared a tendency to dismiss as too pessimistic assessments from American commanders and others about the situation in Iraq.
But people forget who controls the MSM and the news in this country. The libs and their denizens have continually stated Iraq was in a civil war when it is not. There is a functioning government with much of the country being handed over to their own military, hell the Iraqi people are confident in their military and their government, why is it then that the libs aren’t.
This book is a gossip novel spewing out stories from anonymous sources that will make the biggest gossip hound salivate. Rick Moran details the NEW news Woodward is supposedly the first to chronicle:
This hasn’t stopped the New York Times (who apparently got an advance copy – even before the Post was able to serialize the book prior to publication) from breathlessly reporting as “news” those facts which are already well known and whose only shock value will be in the way they are reported not that there is anything revelatory about them. In this respect, the Times and other news organs do the Democratic party a favor by going “green” and recycling – not to conserve but rather to destroy.
For instance:
* Did we know the White House was warned that we would need hundreds of thousands of more troops in Iraq in order to get control of the country following the invasion? Perhaps we should ask General Shineski who testified before Congress and sounded that very warning.
* Did we know that Rumsfeld mismanaged the occupation and reconstruction? One need only look at Iraq today in order to draw that conclusion.
* Did we know that Rummy had lost credibility with the Generals by last fall? I guess the Times doesn’t read their own newspaper very often because that fact has been widely reported.
* Did we know that the Administration was in a state of denial about the insurgency? This is a little trickier because again, the Times would have to read their own newspaper to see the 180 degree change in policy regarding how we were fighting the insurgency in the spring of 2004 compared to the previous summer.
What we are treated to and told is “news” are all the little gossipy details like the fact that Rummy hated Condi and wouldn’t return her calls unless the President told him to or that Cheney was obsessed with proving that WMD’s existed in Iraq by going so far as calling David Kay, who was in charge of finding Saddam’s weapons, in the middle of the night to give him satellite coordinates of a place to look for them. (Now what does that do to the moonbat theory that we absolutely knew there were no WMD’s in Iraq and invaded anyway?)
Isn’t funny how just a few days ago we heard all over the news that Al-Qaeda was crying about getting their asses kicked from one side of Iraq to another? But it’s a disaster don’t you see?
And don’t get me started on Woodward himself. What in the hell kind of non-fiction book gets described this way?
includes lengthy verbatim quotations from conversations and describes what senior officials are thinking at various times, without identifying the sources for the information.
Verbatim quotes which describe what people are thinking at various times? Whooookay. And they are all anonymous. Sure thing. Coming from the guy who made up the confession from Bill Casey I think I will pass on believing this one.
Were there mistakes made in Iraq? Sure. No war is perfect, and will ever be perfect. Mistakes will be made. But can you imagine Saddam and Iran in a nuclear arms race by now?
The only thing I believe Bush underestimated was the vitriol and hatred from one segment of this country. They hate him more then those that attacked us in 9/11 and riot over cartoons. And now this book comes out on the heels of the NIE leak and a few weeks from a election.
Funny how that works.
Other’s Blogging:

See author page
How can you say that the “libs” control the news in this country?