The Moonbat Arizona 9/11 Memorial, Update II

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Now that the word has been spread far and wide about this disgusting Arizona 9/11 memorial, a few of the military parents of some of those killed in Iraq are speaking out: (h/t Martin’s Musings)

Joined by parents of several military personnel killed in Iraq, Republican gubernatorial candidate Len Munsil on Monday called for replacement of the recently dedicated Arizona 9-11 Memorial because of inscriptions that they said insult America either by words or omission.

Munsil and others decried memorial inscriptions that they said implied criticism of America, failed to acknowledge the country’s unity after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and did not adequately honor 9-11 victims or military personnel who sacrificed their lives.

“The memorial is a monument to moral relativism,” Munsil said to an audience of approximately 100 people, including at least four Republicans legislators, at the memorial on Wesley Bolin Memorial Plaza near the capitol.

Bingo! Moral relativism at it’s worst. It would be better served being placed in the Socialist Capitol of San Francisco, at least in that city people wouldn’t take it seriously. I mean come on, is there anything to take serious about San Francisco?

Democratic Gov. Janet Napolitano earlier defended the memorial as a tribute to 9-11 victims and first-responders and said some inscriptions were being taken out of context. “I’m just sorry that they’re trying to politicize 9-11. That’s just wrong,” she said.

Politicize? No. We are trying to do the right thing in getting a travesty replaced. There is no need for the lefts moral relativism in a memorial for the victims of that day. I mean the damn thing has the day two Sikh were shot and killed on it. While sad, it has nothing to do with the day we were attacked. Hell, one of those killers was deemed to be mentally imbalanced: (via Riehl World View)

The high court unanimously agreed that Frank Silva Roque’s mental illness and low IQ were mitigating factors and should have resulted in the lesser sentence of life in prison with no chance of parole.

So why should these kind of dates be on a memorial for those who died on 9/11? In the twisted little minds of the leftists they see a hate crime as something fit to honor the 9/11 victims. Because you all know how evil we are don’t you?….Sigh.

How about the phrase “Must Bomb Back”? What the hell does this mean? Junkyard Blog wondered the same thing and found no such phrase during a Lexis Nexus search. He finally concludes that this is the sentiment the lefties wished to convey about 9/11:

Where do these memorial “quotes”, which are between quotation marks as if they are, um, quotations, actually come from, then? There are others which don’t include the quotationa marks, which made me think it was an example of frenetic fruit-stand punctuation–you know, like how their handlettered roadside signs include a few extra quotes marks and apostrophes and umlauts and things: TRY “OUR” FRESH PEACH’S!!!

Well, I googled the phrase immediately above that in the picture, “MUST BOMB BACK”, and got a hit on the Arizona Memorial’s own page, dated Dec. 2, 2005. I’ve bolded a couple of things for you to look at:

The sentiments to be etched in the visor and illuminated are central to the success of the memorial. They have not yet been selected, and the commission should take care to make sure they fully convey the emotional toll the tragedy took on all of us, the resurgent patriotism and outpouring of support for others.

Among the phrases under consideration: “U.S. must bomb back.” “Multiple funerals in a day.” “Entire unit of Phoenix Fire Department to ground zero.” “People stood in line for hours to give blood.” “We responded with heart.”

So, the phrases aren’t direct quotes from the news, but rather “sentiments”–although whose sentiments they are is unclear. What is clear is that those suggested phrases on the site convey entirely different sentiments than the morally-vacillating blather that actually made it onto the Memorial.

I would be quite interested how these phrases ended up on here. How many of the commission members knew they were to be placed on there?

Back to the today’s article:

Munsil said he didn’t object to some parts of the memorial but that it should be replaced with one that includes the phrases “Let’s roll,” “United We Stand” and “God Bless America.”

“As an American, I am disgusted by this memorial,” said Mike Broomhead, a Glendale resident whose brother, Army Sgt. Thomas F. Broomhead of Canon City, Colo., was killed in a checkpoint shooting.

[…]Billy Shields, a Phoenix firefighters union leader who headed the commission, said the inscriptions were historically accurate and reflected at least some Arizonans’ views. The criticism itself was tardy and troubling, he said.

“The families are having a tough time dealing with this attack on the memorial,” Shields said.

Tardy? Oh, well excuse us. Guess our criticisms are not valid unless voiced the day of the unveiling. Puhlease. Oh, and Mr. Shields, which “families” are you talking about here? How many of the “families” were consulted about these inscriptions prior to the first shovel going into the ground? Do you think that a few of the “families” would be upset that a board of leftists decided to politicize the deaths of their loved ones?

This kind of memorial should not be about the “artists” communicating a world vision. There is no place for that kind of thing on something like this. You want to do that Matthew/Maria Salinger and Eddie Jones go right ahead. But put it on a jar of urine like the rest of your comrades do. Do not put it on something that honors the dead of that day.

Please send a note to the commission members who approved this shameful memorial: (via Michelle Malkin)

For more on this memorial see my earliers posts here and here.

Other’s Blogging:

This kind of memorial should not be about the “artists” communicating a world vision. There is no place for that kind of thing on something like this. You want to do that Matthew/Maria Salinger and Eddie Jones go right ahead. But put it on a jar of urine like the rest of your comrades do. Do not put it on something that honors the dead of that day.

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I personally know 2 of the families that Mr Munsil spoke with today, they have joined me and the southern Arizona Chapter of Protestwarrior in front of Davis Monthan AFB to support our troops. They are out there because they are tired of the left slapping them in the face and they do not want their sons deaths to be in vain. They are good people and I am proud to call them friend.

Thanks for staying on top of this!!!!