Saddam Document With Orders To Hide Weapons

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Jveritas at Free Republic found the latest translated Saddam document, and it’s a good one. It is dated a few days before the kick off of the Iraqi war and contains orders to:

Hide and Conceal Equipments and Devices Underground in Hidden Shelters and especially the weapons and devices that are not currently in operations but can be used in the future.

As many have pointed out Saddam held onto the equipment and knowledge to start up his WMD program once the UN had capitulated to his demands for the sanctions to cease. These documents do not specifically point to banned weapons or technology, but the fact that they continually say “especially weapons and devices not currently in operation at this time which could operate in the future” is intriguing.

Either way, it’s one more piece for the puzzle…

Top Secret


Ministry of Defense

Army Chiefs of Staff

Office of Army Chief of Staff

Number: ACS/Operations/2725/4/2

Date: 03/08/2003

To: Air Force Command Air Defense Command Commands of First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Corps Army Air Force Command Navy Command Command of the Surface-to-Surface Missile Branch

Re: Concealment of Equipment and Devices

1. During our observation of enemy air attack techniques in bombing and destroying deployed equipment and devices belonging to sectors not currently in operation at this time, in which the principle of deployment by our troops, we noticed that the troops deployed, fortified and established control to protect against any land attack.

2. The use of shelters that provide complete concealment and would completely hide the weapons, equipment and devices underground (as applied at the beginning of Gulf War I) has been authorized. As applied at the beginning of Gulf War I, this will make them hard-to-find targets for the enemy’s air force, especially weapons and devices not currently in operation at this time which may be brought into operation in the future. In the event that there is insufficient roofing material, begin with the most important priorities.

Act accordingly.


General Ibrahim `Abd-al-Sattar Muhammad

Army Chief of Staff


Translation of second top secret letter

Directorate of General Military Intelligence

Number: D1/ S3/332

Date: 03/16/2003

Top Secret

List (A)

List (B)

Re: Hiding Equipment and Devices

In reference to the Army Chiefs of Staff’s Commander’s Assistants for Operations’ Top Secret letter #27250 dated 03/08/2003, reported to us in the Top Secret letter of the Directorate of General Military Intelligence # D7/S37/15607 dated 03/14/2003, shelters (hidden shelters) that provide complete concealment and would completely hide the weapons, equipment and devices underground. As applied at the beginning of Gulf War I, this will make them hard-to-find targets for the enemy’s air force, especially weapons and devices not currently in operation at this time which could operate in the future. In the event that there is insufficient roofing material, begin with the most important priorities.

Act accordingly.


Engineer Brigade

Shihab Ahmad Nasif (Nusayf)

Administrator for Technical Equipment

Translation of third top secret letter


Cc: Directorate of General Military Intelligence # D7/S37/15607 2 Republic of Iraq

Directorate of General Military Intelligence

Number: D7/S37/15607

date: 03/14/2003

Top Secret

To: D.S.D (East – West – North – South – Middle – Al-Quds Army “Jerusalem Army”)

Re: Hiding Equipment and Devices

In reference to Top Secret letter number 2725 of the Army Chiefs of Staff dated 03/08/2003, shelters that provide complete concealment and would completely hide the weapons, equipment and devices underground (as applied at the beginning of Gulf War I) has been authorized. As applied at the beginning of Gulf War I, this will make them hardto- find targets for the enemy’s air force, especially weapons and devices not currently in operation at this time which may be brought into operation in the future. In the event that there is insufficient roofing material, begin with the most important priorities. Act accordingly.

Signature (illegible)

Staff Colonel

Directorate of General Military Intelligence

Cc: The Ninth Assisting Office: Act accordingly.

[TC: The name `Abd-al-Qadir and 03/13 are written under the signature]

End of Pentagon translation of Document CMPT-2004-001810-T.pdf

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Joseph continues to debunk the so-called Conclusions in the Sen Intel Com’s Phase II report.

For more debunking…

Put simply (as even the SSCI Phase II Pt 1 secIII conclusion 9 clearly says) the documents were not used substantially by the SSCI assessment, no CIA investigation or assessment has been done yet, and detainee interrogations/claims like that of Saddam’s presented in the report…are not to be trusted; ie the conclusions are not conclusive and the Phase II report even says so.

All those who oppose the war or pander to those tho oppose the war would do themselves well to actually read the report and investigate the truth as Joseph has done above…before making outlandish claims.

What IS clear (as yet another investigation has now shown) is that Pres Bush didn’t lie, create, distort, or pressure the intel.

Much as opponents of the war would like to believe the claims of their pandering political puppies.