Just another reason to dislike this guy:

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Mel Gibson has returned to the spotlight to promote his upcoming movie “Apocalypto,” and to criticize the war in Iraq, according to the Hollywood Reporter.
Almost two months after he railed against Jews when he was arrested for driving drunk in Malibu, the actor made a surprise appearance Friday at Fantastic Fest, an event in Austin, Texas, devoted to new science fiction, horror and fantasy films, the trade paper said in its Monday edition.
He presented a work-in-progress screening of his Mayan adventure tale, and then took questions. About one-third of the full house gathered for the film gave him a standing ovation. The film is scheduled for a December 8 release via Disney.
In describing its portrait of a civilization in decline, Gibson said, “The precursors to a civilization that’s going under are the same, time and time again,” drawing parallels between the Mayan civilization on the brink of collapse and America’s present situation. “What’s human sacrifice,” he asked, “if not sending guys off to Iraq for no reason?”
Nothing new here, recall last May:
Film star and director Mel Gibson has launched a scathing attack on US President George W Bush, comparing his leadership to the barbaric rulers of the Mayan civilisation in his new film Apocalypto.
The epic, due for release later this year, captures the decline of the Maya kingdom and the slaughter of thousands of inhabitants as human sacrifices in a bid to save the nation from collapsing.
Gibson reveals he used present day American politics as an inspiration, claiming the government callously plays on the nation’s insecurities to maintain power.
He tells British film magazine Hotdog, “The fear-mongering we depict in the film reminds me of President Bush and his guys”.
It’s quite sad that the man who made Braveheart, still my all time favorite movie, and We Were Soldiers has become this twisted old anti-semite.
Just sad to see.
In the end all he is a talented drunk who can act.

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It’s too bad–at least he’s not as bad as his wacko buddies in Hollywood, such as Danny Glover and co. He still holds very conservative views in terms of marriage and abortion–I’m sure he isn’t completely anti-Bush as he is anti-war.
Oh Mel, we love your movies, but goodness please keep your mouth shut on matters you don’t know anything about.