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Britian Officially Surrenders

And the world gets wackier and wackier:

POLICE have agreed to consult a panel of Muslim leaders before mounting counter-terrorist raids or arrests. Members of the panel will offer their assessment of whether information police have on a suspect is too flimsy and will also consider the consequences on community relations of a raid.

Members will be security vetted and will have to promise not to reveal any intelligence they are shown. They will not have to sign the Official Secrets Act.

The first panel, expected to consist of four people, will be set up initially in London. Tomorrow representatives from police forces across England and Wales will decide whether to make the scheme national.

You know, at one time I would have thought even the most politically correct person in the world would have more common sense then this…..boy have I been proven wrong.

Since when should the police consult non-law enforcement religious entities before doing their job. Next thing they will do is consult with a panel of drug dealers before a raid on a dope house. How about a panel of pedophiles before raids on peverts?

I mean, WTF!

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