The Moonbat Arizona 9/11 Memorial

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So the State of Arizona decided they wanted to build a memorial for the 9/11 victims. Great idea right? Well this is the result when you have liberals deciding what to put on a memorial: (via Expresso Pundit)

First here is the design of the memorial:

Which seems pretty cool right? Using the sun to reflect quotes and dates to remember that horrible day. Now take a look at some of the dates they use to memorialize the victims: (photo’s courtesy of Expresso Pundit)

Here’s how the Governor describes the memorial.

According to governor spokeswoman Shilo Mitchell , Napolitano described the memorial as being ” unique, bold, educational and unforgettable,” she said. ” The memorial uses the sun to articulate words and thoughts.”

The memorial is an elevated flat ring with phrases cut through the metal. Throughout the day, the sun shines through the ring and phrases become visible on the side walk.

Check out that last picture. The second to last date is the day of the Gulf of Tonkin incident…..subtle huh? The incident that many a leftist believe was faked to start the Vietnam War. Of course this is baloney, the first incident was actually Aug 2nd, 1964:

On August 2 the Maddox was attacked by three North Vietnamese patrol boats 28 miles away from the North Vietnamese coast and inside international waters, while heading deeper inside those waters. [3] The Maddox evaded a torpedo attack and chased the ships away. The Maddox, suffering only very minor damage by a single machine gun bullet, retired to South Vietnamese waters where she was joined by the destroyer C. Turner Joy.

On Aug 4th, the day this memorial decided to memorialize, the ships believed another attack was imminent so they fired into the Gulf. To call it deliberate fakery is nothing more then your typical leftist schizophrenia. Either way you get my drift. On a memorial for 9/11 victims they see fit to put an important date for the leftist favorite war.

The only thing they left out was the bombed aspirin factory in 1998…oh right, I forgot, Clinton was in power. Must not offend the Clintonista’s.

This is a disgrace, and it was payed for by the taxpayers of that state. Disgusting.


I don’t know why I didn’t see this when I first viewed this memorial but take a look at how similiar the memorial looks to a Crescent….Allah at Hot Air isn’t hearing it

As for the crescent-ish shape, unless you can prove with a protractor and compass that the bisector points within 91.1 degress of Mecca, I don’t want to hear about it.

but come on, why is every friggin memorial made in the shape of the Crescent?


A reader at Hot Air found this curriculum for K-12 students visiting the site:

Ask students to think about how they would answer these questions: What does the word “tolerance” mean? What do you do and how do you react when a person is different from you? Share that today they will be learning more about tolerance and diversity.
Describe how key political, social, environmental, and economic events of the late 20th century and early 21st century (e.g., Watergate, OPEC/oil crisis, Central American wars/Iran-Contra, End of Cold War, first Gulf War, September 11) affected, and continue to affect, the United States.
Ask students what a world-wide memorial to victims of terrorism might look like. Have students design/draw their idea of a memorial. Have them write a paragraph or two explaining how their design shows a world affected by terrorism in the 21st century.
Inform students that today they will look at any effects 9-11 has had on our civil liberties. Enactment: Discussion: Ask students: What has our government done to prevent a terrorist attack from happening again? (i.e., enacted the Patriot Act, increased security at airports and other locations, monitored some overseas phone conversations, etc.) What are some of the negative and positive aspects of these changes? Do students feel the changes are helping to prevent terrorism? What else do students feel the government could or should do to prevent a similar event from happening?

No liberal bias here huh? Moral relativism at its worst.


Found the names of the those who designed this POS:

Matthew and Maria Salinger and Eddie Jones, the designers of the memorial say it’s a place of unity for people to think about the day America was attacked and what has happened since that terrible day. “It’s really amazing and it’s so great to see how people react to it and seem to really understand everything that we put into it,” says Maria Salinger.

Matthew Salinger says it took about three weeks to come up with the design.

“To me, it’s just what we wanted it to be,” says Commission Chairman Billy Shields. “It’s a place to come and contemplate, whatever your emotion is and reaction to the events of that day, it’s a place for you to come and ponder that and find a place in your heart with it.”

“Mostly kids come here from schools to Wesley Bolin and we’ve built a K-through-12 curriculum about September 11th in Arizona and our national experience with it.”

Funny, I would think a memorial for 9/11 would be about the actual event and those who died not the Gulf of Tonkin incident or about a bombing of a supposed wedding party (first picture above):

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan (CNN) — At least 20 people were killed and more than 60 injured in Afghanistan when a U.S. plane dropped a bomb on a wedding party as celebrants fired into the air, an Afghan defense spokesman said Monday.

This was after US aircraft came under anti-aircraft fire. Be that it may, its sad that innocent people died there, but somehow the designers of this memorial saw fit to add this event to remember 9/11 by?

Eddie Jones is the owner of this company whereas the Salingers are a part of a company called coLab Designs. Back in 2005 the memorial was described as doing this:

The state’s 9/11 Memorial Commission on Thursday chose a memorial design that uses sunlight to illuminate phrases about the 2001 terrorist attacks and how they affected people in Arizona.

Based on the final result I have a feeling a moonbat was able to stir things up with their own ideas.


Here is some news coverage of the unveiling:

And here are the designers themselves:


A day before the unveiling of this memorial a history teacher at a local high school sent out a email full of the typial liberal moral relativism:

Teachers at Tucson High Magnet School got a dose of politics recently when history teacher Eric Johnsen e-mailed the entire staff at Tucson’s largest high school to vocalize his opposition to a Sept. 11 memorial ceremony students were planning.

And apparently it’s been the talk of the school.

In his fiery e-mail, Johnsen wrote: “What happened on September 11th was indeed tragic. Other adjectives would apply as well: unethical, immoral, shameful, needless, heartbreaking, unacceptable, etc. In my view, however, what it was not was a ‘senseless’ tragedy … any more than it was ‘unthinkable’ … To me both terms suggest just a tad too much that there was simply no conceivable reason for 9/11 to have happened.”

He later writes: “It seems to me that attacking Americans through terrorism is making sense to more and more people. That’s scary. However twisted the logic may be that would bring people to commit and/or sanction such indiscriminate violence, it would be illogical to deny that it happens in response to something.”

[…]Johnsen closes his e-mail by suggesting the school “resist the Pavlovian nationalist platitudes for a change, and instead transcend our shock, grief and anger” into examining what part, “if any, U.S. policies play in breeding such hate and violence against us” and “begin engaging in democratic dialogue and coalition-building.”

John McCain’s state making us proud huh?

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The problem is not the Arizona 9/11 Memorial. The problem is the country has never been willing to look inward to see what we as a nation have done to cause the affect of the harm done to us. The country has never been willing to take responsibility for itself. How are we as a nation going to grow unless we make the effort to be introspective?

You’ll never do any actual research and realize that the official 9/11 story doesn’t add up.

Like I said, please up your schizophrenia med’s quickly before all is lost.

You people are always good for a laugh, I will hand you that.

Sad, twisted, and funny…..

Anyone who believes that WTC 7 came down demolition style because of a couple small fires is a conspiracy loving moonbat. You just keep supporting and enabling the real terrorists Curt you. You’ll never do any actual research and realize that the official 9/11 story doesn’t add up. You’ll always just believe what “they” tell you. Pathetic. Will the REAL Americans please stand up!

Looks like the hate-America crowd is at it again. This is a memorial that only Code Pink could love.

I don’t know whether the shape was a reference to the Islamic crescent or not, but it doesn’t really matter. There’s enough else wrong with this memorial to condemn it. It is simply insane to think that references to Tonkin Gulf and mistaken US air strikes are appropriate on a 9/11 memorial.

So let’s call these designers what they are; part of the hate-American crowd.

As far as “byzantium” goes, I would have to believe that Michelle Malkin also did her homework before featuring this monstrosity on her latest Hot Air vent.

Great work, Curt, keep it up.

I’m actually from Arizona. I’ve actually been to the monument. It does not actually say ANY of that. Repeat after me: PHOTOSHOP! Nothing but complete lies from someone who doesn’t bother to actually verify anything they like to read.

Please, please, PLEASE call Governor Napolitano’s office. I just got off the phone with them. They’ve received only 7 emails and ONE phone call (mine), and don’t understand what all the hubbub is about.

The Honorable Janet Napolitano
Governor of Arizona
1700 West Washington
Phoenix, Arizona 85007

Telephone (602) 542-4331
Toll Free 1-(800) 253-0883
Fax (602) 542-1381

Arizona? Surprising? No, not really. Disgusting? Hell yes!

But then the left are experts at building memorials to themselves, and giving themselves grand awards for their revolting behavior (see Academy Awards and Pulitzer Prizes, just to name two). THERE IS NOTHING PATRIOTIC ABOUT THESE PEOPLE!!! Period!!

As for our fair Congress (McCain, et al) they continue to disgrace the memory of those on flight 93 who probably saved their very lives! This is some kind of sick and twisted disease. How’s THAT for truth to “power”?


I think Allah at HotAir sees this as an obvious crescent as well, based on the commentary at his “protractor and compass” link, and also on his likely awareness that the direction toward Mecca must lie within 90 degrees of the bisector of any crescent, let alone 91.1; lines as such are defined as extending infinitely in both directions.

Hmmm… ever consider that the Gulf of Tonkin reference could simply refer to the North Vietnamese attack on U.S. naval forces in the Gulf of Tonkin, which did, in fact, cause Johnson to escalate the Vietnam war?

Seems like you are so set on finding fault that you are over analyzing a bit. Besides, even if it does somehow imply (without saying so) that the Gulf of Tonkin attack was a false flag operation or a ruse to draw us into war, it was a Democrat who did it, isn’t it?

The memorial uses the sun like a sun dial, so of course it is crescent shaped. In case you hadn’t noticed the sun moves in an arc across the sky: a property which sundials exploit to mark time as the shadow of the string gnomon moves in a cresent around the face. Unless you perhaps think that this too could be a plot to glorify Allah?

People with so many in the belfry should be shy about slinging around terms like ‘mootbat’…

As Pillage Idiot said “why should we be surprised?”

The moral equivalence, America’s no better than anyone else fools are in charge of not only most of the news media, but also the arts and academia.

And they have allies in government at all levels.

And worst of all, the crapola these loons produce is being paid for by our tax dollars.

This is nothing new either. Folks may remember when the Smithsonian Institution attempted to present a revisionist history of the dropping of the atomic bomb to end WW2 with the display of the Enola Gay B-29.

I sent her a message from stiknstein….
I think it should be called the “Blamemorial
Photoshopped a couple of examples in case they needed any more ideas.


DemediacraticNation hit it too.

I remember that there was a group of Liberals who were trying to set up something along the line of pointing out how come it was our fault, there again that was supposed to go up along side the Memorial in New York City where the Towers were and I didn’t hear whether they had gotten their way with that or not but that was before I had Internet access and I heard about it via Talk Radio on Bill Bennett’s Radio Program and Steve Malsburg was subing for Bill and I called and asked for my name to be added to the list for the people who were gathering a list of people to combat that leftist Idea.

If you’d like to send Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano a comment on the “Memorial” she is so proud of, you can visit her site at

Here’s the message I left:

I just saw pictures of the so-called 9/11 memorial you commissioned. Why is it shaped like a crescent, and why does it focus on everything EXCEPT the AMERICAN victims of 9/11?

The memorial is a disgraceful example of the Blame-America-First mentality that has crippled the Democratic party since Vietnam, and of liberal moral equivalence that is frankly nauseating.

I suppose it you’d been Governor when Pearl Harbor was attacked you’d have erected a bomb-shaped apologia explaining the “root causes” why the Japanese had to launch their sneak attack, and that Americans should “understand” why the battleship Arizona was blown up.

I can’t vote in Arizona, but if I could I would do everything in my power to see you defeated at the next election. You’re unfit to hold public office.

A disgusted New Jerseyan who saw the WTC burn on 9/11 with his own eyes.

OMG Curt…now I’ve seen it all..imagine how the victims families will feel………….

That’s disgustingly reprehensible. And they say “The Path to 9/11” was a total misrepresentation? So someone on the Left connect the dots for me please, on how this memorializes 9/11 victims?

Flopping Aces » Blog Archive » Arizona 9/11 Memorial Rally

[…] (10/23/06) Mike Broomhead, the director of the “Arizona Honors 9-11″ organization which was formed to fix that disgusting memorial in Arizona, sent me an email this morning to tell me that on October 28th there will be a rally to take down this disgrace: I want to thank everyone for supporting our efforts to change the 9-11 memorial to something appropriate that Arizona can be proud of. We are going to have a rally at the memorial this Saturday 10-28-2006 at 12noon. We invite you to join us. We’d like to have a large turn out to show the Governor and the commission that we want this memorial changed NOW! […]