Saddam Judge Replaced

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It’s about time:

The chief judge in Saddam Hussein’s genocide trial has been replaced, Al-Iraqiya state television reported Tuesday. The station did not say why the change was made, but the Arab satellite stations Al-Arabiya and Al-Jazeera said Judge Abdullah al-Amiri was replaced at the request of the Iraqi prime minister.

The name of the new judge was not reported. There was no immediate official confirmation that the judge had been replaced.

Prosecutors had asked for al-Amiri to be replaced after he allowed Saddam to lash out at Kurdish witnesses. And last week, al-Amiri stirred further controversy when he told the former president that “you were not a dictator.”

Any person, let alone a judge who will decide Saddam’s fate, who has the gall to say “you were not a dictator” when talking about Saddam should be forced to endure the brutal CIA interrogation method….”the wedgie”.

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It is unbelievable that even a red state like Arizona (aside from also having Benedict McCain as a senator) would do this…
Hopefully this coming election will sort things out a bit…
Thank you for keeping us all informed – doing the job the mainstream [propanda] news outlets used to.