The Senate passed legislation today that would allow terrorists captured in the field to be given access to classified evidence against them. This would include the names of those undercover agents that identified them.
Yes, you heard me right.
Four of the panel’s 13 Republicans joined all 11 Democrats in rejecting Mr. Bush’s proposal to keep defendants from seeing classified evidence against them. The vote came a day after the House Armed Services Committee adopted a measure that more closely parallels what the president wants….
As part of his plan, the president wants Congress to enact legislation that would authorize tougher interrogations of suspected terrorists.
And that is what Congress must not do, said Colin L. Powell, the former secretary of state. “The world is beginning to doubt the moral basis of our fight against terrorism,” Mr. Powell said in a letter to Senator John McCain of Arizona, one of the Republicans who differ with Mr. Bush’s policies.
We came very close to this jackass, Colin Powell, running for President. Can you imagine what a disaster that would have been? But now we have McCain running again and another disaster is looming, with Powell at his side:
In recent months, Mr. Powell has been advising Mr. McCain in connection with the senator’s possible presidential candidacy in 2008, according to McCain aides.
What will it be next? Soldiers capturing the terrorists will now have to read them their miranda rights? This is the exact same type of thinking that allowed 9/11 to occur in the first place. Treating this war as a law enforcement issue.
“I wonder if they are more interested in protecting the terrorists than protecting the American people,” said House Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio. “They certainly do not want to take the terrorists on and defeat them.”
And to add further insult to injury Powell has the gall to write this to McCain:
in his letter to Mr. McCain that redefining Common Article 3 would only deepen worldwide doubts about America’s moral stature.
“Furthermore, it would put our own troops at risk,” Mr. Powell said in his letter to Mr. McCain. Critics of the Bush administration approach have argued that, if the United States is seen to be mistreating captives, Americans who are taken prisoner could be subjected to cruelty.
Wha-wha-what! So we now must treat TERRORISTS with kid gloves or our troops will be beheaded….oh you mean that has already happened? Guess Graham, McCain and Warner forgot about that.
Is he actually trying to say that the troops that were tortured and killed by these scum were treated that way due to VALID grievances.
As Dafydd said, the world has been turned upside down:
This is the world turned upside down… and I’m sad to say, considering the people involved, that I believe it’s caused by nothing more noble than base cowardice: they’re frightened, and they hope that if they just appease the monster, it will go away and eat somebody else first.
Lets just hope Frist does the right thing and puts the Presidents bill up to the Senate floor for a full vote. Lets see the whole chamber vote and see where they stand then.
Just heard Graham say on the Hugh Hewitt show that his bill would allow the judge in a trial to decide whether or not to give classified information, it will not be automatic……sure thing. Hugh doesn’t let him get away with it tho. Here is the audio, I came into the interview already in progress so thats why the audio starts abruptly.
The gist of his argument is that the court will strike down anything else but his own bill, that we will fight other enemies in the future and he wants to ensure our troops are protected, and that if we don’t give the terrorists Geneva convention rights then the terrorists won’t give us ours…..yes, you heard it right.
Simply amazing.
Other’s Blogging:

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If we don’t give terrorists Geneva rights, they won’t give them to us. RIGHT. Because as any good leftist knows, if people from non-Western countries are doing barbaric things to other people, then that can only mean that Westerners pushed or provoked them into doing such things — by committing such atrocities as denying them access to our classified documents.
This is just scary. Apparently any gray-haired retard able to string words together into sentences can be a Democratic Senator in this country.