A Journey Into The Sewers Of Leftist Thought – 9/11 Edition

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Just when you thought the leftists couldn’t be more evil and pathetic comes these examples:

Philosoraptor (1000+ posts) Mon Sep-11-06 05:01 AM
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Happy Terror Day!

Happy bush knew but didn’t tell us day. Happy they all died in vain day. Happy freedom day. Happy homeland security day. Happy fascism day. Happy exploit the dead day. Happy Osama not found yet day. Happy 3000 dead G.I.’s day.

symbolman (1000+ posts) Mon Sep-11-06 07:41 AM
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10. We all know these bastards

are celebrating this day like it’s XMAS today. ROVE will be opening his terror day presents under the Terror Tree, gaily decorated with Terror Lights..

The way they USE this issue you know damn well they LOVE that this happened, they are rubber stamping MONSTERS and traitors to this country.

“Giggling Murderer”, I love it, hits the nail on the head.

shadowknows69 (1000+ posts) Mon Sep-11-06 09:09 AM
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27. I told my wife that if anyone wishes her a happy Patriots Day

she has my permission to hit them or make some witty joke about New England football.

SoCalDem (1000+ posts) Mon Sep-11-06 02:09 PM
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So…how many days long is the griefgasm scheduled to last?

We had to “mourn” St Ronnie of Reagan for about a week.. The press has been buzzing about the 5 year “anniversary” for weeks now (with a childlike wonder..like before christmas)..

All day yesterday was devoted to it, today too..

Will September become 9-11 month?

I cannot help but think that all the money and attention spent “memorializing” this tragic event would have been well spent in actually investigating and providing real answers..and perhaps some prosecutions for people in charge of security..

I think part of what’s driving the continuing anger and grief, is the fact that no one paid for this gigantic lapse of National Security..no one was charged, no one got demoted..no one got fired..no one got prosecuted..

The thing that flashed through my mind was this:

How bad of a Seretary of Defense does one have to be, to be at your desk INSIDE the headquarters of the military of the most powerful nation on earth…and have your own building be slammed into…an HOUR after you have seen the same thing happen two two other buildings in the US?? and after the president has apparently been told “we are at war”..

just sayin’

Blue_In_AK (1000+ posts) Mon Sep-11-06 02:29 PM
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10. I’m really quite sick of all of this…

No disrespect to the victims and their families, but, for Christ’s sake, people die every single day from both natural and manmade causes. Man’s inhumanity to man is no new story. People are killed all the time as a result of one or the other side’s fanatical beliefs. Our victims are no more special than Iraq’s victims or Africa’s victims or anybody else’s victims. PEOPLE DIE, period.

Sorry for the rant, I’m just getting kind of cranky, I guess. Flame me if you want.

This one made me laugh, something I needed today:

Proud2BAmurkin (1000+ posts) Sun Sep-10-06 12:10 AM
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If Bush hadn’t stolen the election Al Gore would have prevented 9/11
Edited on Sun Sep-10-06 12:10 AM by Proud2BAmurkin
In the early days after Idiot Son stole the election Clinton told Idiot Son his first priority should be terrorism and Idiot Son ignored him.

Al Gore would have listened, bin Laden would have likely been killed, and the plot would have been foiled especially after “Al Qaeda Determined to Strike” report was received by President Gore.

3000 Americans were slaughtered on 9/11 because an incompetent buffoon stole the election and then failed to protect America.

Do these people at DummiesU even have two brain cells to rub together?

Sapere aude (461 posts) Mon Sep-11-06 05:24 PM
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Does anyone else feel like I do that we make too much of 9/11?

IMHO we should have gone after what was left of the perpetrators and not gone to war in Afghanistan. We didn’t need the Patriot Act, the Iraq war and the war on terror. I feel these are all bogus efforts re: PNAC. It is terrible that 3000 people died but our reaction is just as fucked up.
9/11 was not another Pearl Harbor but we have made it so. No country attacked us. A bunch of individual Saudis and others attacked us. I’m not so sure that Osama had anything to do with it.

I feel bad that we will now talk about 9/11 in the same terms that we talk about Pearl Harbor yet there is no comparison. History is being edited and rewritten as we speak.

I don’t have any other way of putting it but to say I don’t feel it was such a big deal. Other than the numbers killed, it should not be the turing point in our country’s history. It is to me what the Reichstag was to Germany in the 1930’s. Just a means for fascism to take over this country.

boolean (347 posts) Mon Sep-11-06 05:28 PM
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9/11 happened 5 years ago. Get over it.

lonestarnot (1000+ posts) Mon Sep-11-06 05:33 PM
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7. 9/11 was a day for redistribution of wealth from the middle class

to the corp elitists and war profiteers. They salivate for another harvest.

CrispyQGirl (1000+ posts) Mon Sep-11-06 05:53 PM
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9. A house that has never had anything political displayed, today

has a huge US flag streaming from their mailbox & under it a piece of plywood with the message:

Never Forget
USA #1

I almost spewed vomit all over the flag.


Lastly, do not forget the videos these bums have been making such as this one and this one….As I have said many times, THIS is the face of the new Democratic party.


Check out the freakin idiots at the WTC Site at Little Green Footballs….Sometimes I wonder how these people even cross the street. How ignorant can a human being be?

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Have you noticed that the terrorist are either mainstream muslems or democrats? One thing you can count on with either of them is that they have two matching things, an asshole and an opinion. Need to check the condition of either or both, check the sales of preparation H.