The AP Gave Saddam Information

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We’ve all known for sometime that the MSM has been quite biased. They have taken to making news instead of reporting it. Now this newly translated Saddam Document shows they can be traitors also: (via Jveritas from Free Republic)

Translation of page 4 and 5 of ISGQ-2005-00026108.pdf

Republic of Iraq

The Presidency of the Republic

The Intelligence Service

Date: 25/7/2000

Number: 6146


To: 5th / 4th / 13th Directorates

We were informed from one of our sources (the degree of trust in him is good) who works in the American Associated Press Agency that the agency broadcasted to through computer to its branches worldwide the following:

1. The new agency for inspecting the Iraqi weapons (UNMOVIC) started on 11/7/2000 a training program for 4 weeks which includes historical, legal, administrative, and political subjects that are related to the weapons inspection in Iraq.

2. The training include lectures about the ballistic missiles and the biological and chemical weapons and the import and export of weapons in addition to a session in security arrangements prepared by the American government.

3. Hans Blix who head the new team mentioned that he will send a smaller team to Iraq in late August 2000 and the inspections operations will focus on choosing the locations that was under the control of the UNSCOM committee

4. The agency adds that Iraq prevented the old committee from returning to Iraq and that high Iraq officials said they will not accept new inspectors from the new committee but some other left the possibility of negotiations open.

5. The agency ends its article by saying that the sanctions against Iraq will not be lifted unless Iraq cooperate with the new inspectors and after it is decided that Iraq is free from weapons of mass destructions.

Please review and benefit… with regards



M. SH.


Dated in July of 2000 this document shows a employee of the AP was feeding information on the inspection teams to Saddam’s regime.

It doesn’t appear this is any secret information they were fed, but the fact that they start the document with “one of our sources” and highlight the fact that he is a trusted source tells me that more sensitive material may have been passed at some time.