Why We Fight

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By Robert Farrow

In 1941 movie director Frank Capra decided to join the Army. Marshall had him commissioned as a major and assigned him the task of making films that would explain to the average soldier why it was necessary for them to leave their families and fight and possibly die.

“To win this war we must win the battle for men’s minds….” He told Capra.”

“General Marshall,” he said, ” I’ve got to tell you I’ve never made a single documentary.”

“Capra,” he replied, “I have never been chief of staff before, thousands of young men have never had their legs shot off before, boys are commanding ships that have never seen the ocean before.”

“Sorry sir, I’ll make you the best damn documentary you’ve ever seen.”

His movies, Why We Fight, used the Nazi’s own footage to show their brutality, hatred, and tyranny and was shown to all GI’s, and even shown in the Soviet Union. Here is how the enemy saw himself, with Hitler’s hateful ranting, Japanese brutal racism, and Mussolini’s jaw-thrusting poses. The enemy’s own blind hatred, brutality, and pure evil is why we fought. (from Why We Fight, Geoffrey Perret) America stayed united throughout the war and finally beat back the Nazi’s menace through the sweat and blood of the Allied GI.

Sadly, Capra, and his magical movie touch has been lost to the world, and now the former allies and America herself are nowhere near united. Even worse, our media seems to follow the lead of the Chicago paper who in WWII leaked the fact that the US had broken the Japanese codes, a leak that could have turned the tide of WWII.

Outfoxed Faustian bargaining
By Mark Steyn

Did you see that video of the two Fox journalists announcing they had converted to Islam? The larger problem, it seems to me, is that much of the rest of the Western media have also converted to Islam and there seems to be no way to get them to convert back to journalism.

Consider, for example, the bizarre behavior of Reuters, the once globally respected news agency now reduced to putting out laughably inept terrorist propaganda. A few days ago, it made a big hoo-ha about the Israelis intentionally firing a missile at its press vehicle and wounding its cameraman Fadel Shana. Mr. Shana was posed in an artful sprawl in a blood-spattered shirt. But it had ridden up revealing his spotlessly white undershirt, like a summer-stock Julius Caesar revealing the boxers under his toga.

What’s stunning is not that almost all Western media organizations reporting from the Middle East are reliant on local staff overwhelmingly sympathetic to one side in the conflict — that has been known for some time — but the amateurish level of fakery that head office is willing to go along with.

the link is here.

Dinocrat says it even better…….

The submission of the MSM puts us all in even greater danger
September 3rd, 2006

Many in the MSM have objectively chosen the side of Islamic fundamentalists in this war. From the doctored and staged photos of broken bodies and broken ambulances, to their taking video direction from Hamas scene directors and Hezbollah’s Green Helmet Guy, to made-for-TV conversions to Islam, the MSM have shown that they will always be the pawns of those who are willing to kill them. Is there any better definition of “submission” than that?

We’ll let Mark Steyn speak for a while. He provides examples of what objectively must be seen as submission to the Islamist enemy. The enemy understands well that it takes almost nothing at all to obtain the eager cooperation of the Western MSM:

Consider, for example, the bizarre behavior of Reuters, the once globally respected news agency now reduced to putting out laughably inept terrorist propaganda. A few days ago, it made a big hoo-ha about the Israelis intentionally firing a missile at its press vehicle and wounding its cameraman Fadel Shana. Shana was posed in an artful sprawl in a blood-spattered shirt. But it had ridden up and underneath his undershirt was spotlessly white, like a summer-stock Julius Caesar revealing the boxers under his toga. What’s stunning is not that almost all Western media organizations reporting from the Middle East are reliant on local staff overwhelmingly sympathetic to one side in the conflict — that’s been known for some time — but the amateurish level of fakery that head office is willing to go along with.

Down at the other end of the news business, meanwhile, one finds items like this snippet from the Sydney Morning Herald: “A 16-year-old girl was tailed by a car full of men before being dragged inside and assaulted in Sydney’s west last night, police say…”The three men involved in the attack were described to police as having dark ‘mullet-style’ haircuts.”

Three men with “mullet-style” hair, huh? Not much to go on there. Bit of a head scratcher. But, as it turned out, the indefatigable Sydney Morning Herald typist had faithfully copied out every salient detail of the police report except one. Here’s the statement the coppers themselves issued: “Police are seeking three men described as being of Middle Eastern/Mediterranean appearance, with dark ‘mullet-style’ hair cuts.” That additional detail narrows it down a bit, wouldn’t you say?…

[F]or the Fox journalists and the Western media who reported their release, what’s the big deal? Wear robes, change your name to Khaled, go on camera and drop Allah’s name hither and yon: If that’s your ticket out, seize it. Everyone’ll know it’s just a sham.

But that’s not how the al-Jazeera audience sees it. If you’re a Muslim, the video is anything but meaningless. Not even the dumbest jihadist believes these infidels are suddenly true believers. Rather, it confirms the central truth Osama and the mullahs have been peddling — that the West is weak, that there’s nothing — no core, no bedrock — nothing it’s not willing to trade.

We think that our Islamist enemies are drawing a very fair conclusion that the West is weak and worthless when they see the craven behavior of the MSM. If you were a jihadist, would you draw another conclusion? On what basis?

With the MSM, the situation is actually much worse than their giving passive submission to the Islamic fundamentalists with a knife to their throats. We observe that many in the MSM have a distinct of anti-Christian bias. For example, the Islamists go on all day about how we should all convert to Islam — that was of course the point of Ahmadinejad’s smarmy dawa to President Bush. The MSM express no outrage over this. But what would be the reaction of the MSM to the following response, if it had been given by Bush to Ahmadienjad: “Convert to Islam? Rubbish! Mohammed is not the messenger of God. His Koran is a potpourri made up of Arab lore, Bible stories, and imagination. Convert to Islam? Ridiculous. Perhaps when Islam recognizes the divinity of Christ, sir!”

Imagine the outrage of the MSM if the Christian Bush had responded tit-for-tat in religious terms to the Muslim Ahmadinejad’s religious appeal. Thus, it is not just that the MSM are craven and are willing to sidle up to whomever is the biggest threat to their safety. Many of them have an anti-Christian bias as well. It is only rational to expect the enemy to interpret the anti-Christian, pro-Islam bias of the MSM as indicative of Western society’s potential receptivity to their doctrine, and to be encouraged to ever bolder actions. The submission of the MSM puts us all in even greater danger than we already face.
the link is here.

It is as if the American media in WWII had aired the Nuremberg rally and speeches by Gobbles and interviewed Von Ribbentop on Polish, French, and Russian atrocities and Jewish plots. If this sounds absurd, how is this any different then what is happening now? And since the Republican party seems unable to deliver a consistent, clear message on the looming threat the world now faces, thus almost by default, it is up the new media to lead the way. So let me, humbly in Capra’s shadows, use the words, actions, and phrases of the terrorists to explain why we must win this fight. For victory is utterly necessary for the survival of fundamental freedom and Democracy.

This is why we fight………

“Death to America will remain our slogan”-A leader of Hezbollah

“Death is better then living with unbelievers”-Bin Laden

“If war comes it will be total and the objective will be Israel’s destruction……And what is Israel? Israel today is the United States.”-Abdel Nasser

“Millions of Arabs are …preparing to blow up all of America’s interests, all of America’s instillations, and your entire existence, America!”-(Cairo radio during the 67 war.)

“We are not fighting so you offer us something, we are fighting to eliminate you.”-( a past leader of Hezbolah)

“…..surrender to the truth (of Islam), escape from the unbelieving army and join the winning side. Time is running out so make the right choice before it’s too late,” -Yehiye Gadahn

“This is why we fight. We fight for Democracy, we fight for Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, we fight to stop the enslavement of women, we fight to prevent another fascist shadow from spreading around the globe, we fight to prevent the evils of the pictures and phrases above from reaching every corner of this planet.”

But still, not all of us agree, or even agree on how best to approach the problem.

I recently saw the 9-11 movie with a friend of mine and his friend. His friend, a Kerry supporter and Bush hater, remarked that we are in a world war with radical muslims. I replied, If that is the case, why then did he support Kerry?” He remarked Kerry would have did as a good as a job as Bush fighting Muslim radicals. Based on what? Kerry voted against almost every major weapons program in our military and viewed the war on terror as a police action, and with the defeat of Lamont, the Democrats is now almost a peace party. At this the man walked away and my friend berated me for starting an argument and said now was not a good time to discuss this issue anyway.

This mentality seems to be running much of America. So if this is not a good time, when is a good time? Maybe after we are attacked,…well wasn’t that 9-11? Maybe when we are in a war, Oh, we already are. So when is it a good time to act like we are in a war? And when is it a good time to point out the Democrats have done nothing to stand up to Islamic Fundamentalism? (And liberals, if I am wrong, tell me what the Democrats have done…) When is it a good time to challenge the media, and our Democratic neighbors that they are empowering terrorists? When was it a good time to point our we are in a world war with not just Bin Laden, but with Islamic fundamentalism? When is it the time to shout that becoming a peace party in a time of war is a form of National Suicide? When is it the time to save our country from National Suicide? The UK Telegraph has it right when they say:

UK Telegraph: throw the imams in jail

The Telegraph says it pretty clearly: throw the imams in jail. [N]o negotiation is possible with al-Qaeda or the fanatical Islamist organisations affiliated to it. Their goal is to destroy liberal, tolerant, secular society in all its forms, and replace it with a rigid theocratic dictatorship that enforces a medieval interpretation of the most barbaric elements of Islamic law.

In the conflict between the terrorists who wish to impose their vision of a “just and righteous society” by force on the rest of us, there is nothing to talk about: they are not interested in compromise or negotiation, and there is no common ground between their vision of the future and ours. The terrorists themselves have stated their position clearly: “We are not,” one of them has insisted, “trying to exact concessions from you. We are trying to eliminate you.”…

Earlier this year, the Government brought in the Terrorism Act 2006, whose provisions are precisely directed against those who make statements that “glorify the commission or preparation” of acts of terrorism. That Act has yet to be used.

In particular, it has not been used to prosecute the Islamist preachers who have stated that the murders of July 7, 2005 “raised the banner [for] jihad in the UK, which means it is allowed for suicide bombers to attack”; who have said that all non-Muslims should be converted or killed (“capture them and besiege them and prepare for an ambush from every angle”); and who have insisted that those murdered by the 7/7 bombers were, as “kuffar”, or non-Muslims, “animals and cowards”.

The Government’s failure to act against preachers of this kind of poison merely perpetuates and encourages them….It was the failure to act decisively against the preachers of hate that helped to incubate Islamic terrorism in Britain. The continued reluctance to prosecute those preachers can only exacerbate the mortal danger we face.

What will be the reaction to this editorial, we wonder, when mere cartoons resulted in calls for slaughter, beheading and annihilation? Throwing the imams in jail seems a good bit more serious than cartoons.
the link is here.

Just who has killed hundreds and now thousands of Americans?, who danced on 9-11 for joy at the deaths of Americans?, who enslaves women, oppresses freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and of Democracy herself? Like Hitler in Mein Kempf they have told us what they will do. They have openly advocated genocide and open war. But still, like the irrationality of urban kids afraid of the cops as they kill each other by the thousands, they distrust their government more then those trying to kill them. We must wake up and confront this new fascism, this new evil, or western civilization and her values will fall.

…For freedom, for Democracy, for religious rights, for the survival of the West herself.

This is why we fight.

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Rob, an awesome post. You and Word continue to make my posts look like amature hour.

This quote boils everything down when it comes to our MSM:

Rather, it confirms the central truth Osama and the mullahs have been peddling — that the West is weak, that there’s nothing — no core, no bedrock — nothing it’s not willing to trade.

We think that our Islamist enemies are drawing a very fair conclusion that the West is weak and worthless when they see the craven behavior of the MSM. If you were a jihadist, would you draw another conclusion? On what basis?

Just as Clinton showed them that we would run from a tough fight our MSM shows the enemy that we have morals, no backbone.

Like Hitler in Mein Kempf they have told us what they will do.

So right. Over and over they have told us in advance what their agenda is, what they plan on doing to ensure the destruction of the west. But we ignore it, the MSM ignores it, the left ignores it.