The Left’s Perfect Posterboy

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Get a load of Mike Malloy at Air America. A Conservative called up his show and they had the following exchange: (via Right Wing News)

Mike: Ray is calling from New Jersey. Welcome to the program. Thanks for holding on.

Ray: Hi Michael.

Mike: Hey.

Ray: You were asking for a conservative or a bush supporter to call so I just thought I’d call.

Mike: Well, thanks. Have a great day. What are you calling about?

Ray: Well, I support the president and I’m thankful there’s a conservative in the white house during these times when terrorists want to kill us because we’re not Muslim.

Mike: Wow. Is that why they hate us? Because we’re not Muslims?

Ray: Well, those two guys, they had guns held to their, the two reporters, the cameramen? They had guns held to their heads. Were sworn to change their religion to be set free or they would have been killed. Is that what we’re up against here?

Mike: I guess so. It’s a terrible world. Thank god George Bush is in power to stop that sort of thing from happening. Right?

Ray: Don’t you think we should get them before they get us?

Mike: Oh yeah, that makes sense. Let’s go kill…I’ll tell you what. Where do you live? You live in New Jersey, Ray?

Ray: Yeah, I live in..

Mike: Are there any Muslims in New Jersey?

Ray: I’m sure that there are.

Mike: Okay, why don’t you find some and kill them?

Ray: I’m in the northeast area in New Jersey.

Mike: Frankly I don’t care where you live in New Jersey. I’m just saying, next time you see a Muslim why not blow, why not kill him?

Ray: ha. Why is the liberal thing…

Mike: Ray, Ray, Ray, I have a question for you. Answer the question or I’m gonna leap through the phone and rip your ears off. Here’s the question, Ray. Why not go kill a Muslim? Don’t leave it up to the soldiers, don’t leave it up to the middle east. You’ve got Muslims in New Jersey. Why not go kill some?

Ray: Cause some liberal attorney will lock me up.

Mike: No, no no, Ray, answer the question. Are you going to do one of these cowardly republican right-wing things on me. Let me ask you something, since you can’t answer that question…shut up!

(and the conversation goes on for a few more seconds before Mike hangs up on him)

You get that? The caller is talking about the terrorists who kidnapped Centanni and Wiig and he was showing his appreciation for Bush who actually fights the terrorists instead of sending a few missiles into an empty tent. But apparently to Mr. Malloy when we talk about those terrorists we actually mean ALL Muslims.

The caller obviously believes that our military and government should be the ones who decide to and then wage war but Mr. Malloy wants the caller to take matters into his own hands.

Recently Mr. Malloy was fired from his job, hard to understand since he does such a bang up job of displaying the typical leftist mentality. Be that it may the left went crazy blaming Bush for his firing:

Did Bush, Clear Channel conspire to fire Mike Malloy?

That’s the question that liberals throughout the land are asking themselves today with the sad news that Air America Radio’s late night host Mike Malloy has been fired. What clearer evidence do we need other than the gloating from the “Radio Equalizer”?

Current speculation from many in the liberal community is that Karl Rove and George Bush put pressure on Clear Channel to only put Air America on lower-wattage stations, leading to a vicious cycle of lower ratings. Together with talking up Al Franken leading to him being paid more, this led to the “financial decision” that Malloy says this was on his website.

But, AAR co-founder Sheldon Drobny has a different take:

He is the lowest paid of all the regular hosts on AAR and they put him in an awful time slot, 10pm-1am ET… I suspect Malloy’s termination was more about personality than performance. It certainly was not about money…

“Personality”? Or… something else.

These liberals really are some lost souls. A host gets fired from a radio show and they blame Bush….is there anything they DONT blame Bush for?

Personally I would love for this guy to stay on, what better representative does the left have?


Thanks to Bookworm I think we have another runner-up for the posterboy of the left. Check out this guys ramblings:

America, I hate you.

From your fucked up values and religious whacks like your president, to your arrogant “I love oil” nature and your love for attempting to fuck other countries up with your “superior” defence force. I hate the way you think that America is responsible for all good in this world. You’re not.

You did not invent human rights, you did not invent sliced bread, or the wheel, AND JESUS WAS NOT BORN IN TEXAS. NOR WAS HE WHITE.

AND HE DID NOT SLEEP WITH YOUR SISTER. Although I’m sure you did.

I hate you so much that I want to draw a tan^-1(1degree) with my fist to your face. (NO, YOU DID NOT INVENT TRIANGLES)

I hate how you complain about the price of oil, while you rape your planet with your fat ass, McDonald’s eating, gas guzzling fuck Hummers of hell.

I hate how you feel the need to liberate random countries from “oppression” and instill your proud and wonderful freedom and democracy.

I also hate your “Patriot Act” which effectively removes all forms of freedom and democracy from your country… and allows your government to go all fascist on you ass, while you sit in your homes and hate gays, blacks, Hispanics, Mexicans, the Spanish, Cubans, Latinos (that’s ignorance for you)

Much more where that came from. As Book stated on her post, this kind of blog post is a perfect example of a leftist. No ideas, just hate. Just a load of angry insults full of contempt and nihilism. Was this done in an attempt to get publicity, possibly. Book notes it has hit the top of the WordPress charts today but judging from his prior posts it appears this is just another leftist with no answers, just hate.

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Once again, no response. What a conspiracy waste land. Heaven forbid someone dare to challenge your cherished beliefs.

Take Stephen Hayes, for example. He has based much of his research on a Defense Dept. memo that was released by Douglas Feith in response to a request from Congress about some unfounded claims he made during a hearing. Soon after Hayes’ initial claims based on this memo, the Defense Dept. even released another memo, stating that “the classified annex was not an analysis of the substantive issue of the relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda, and it drew no conclusions.” Many of Hayes’ claims are unsubstantiated, and if you’d just engage me in some conversation, I could show you that. It seems, however, that you would rather simply ignore anyone who disagrees with you. I know this is hard for you to do, but let’s just imagine for a second that you might be wrong. How will you ever figure that out unless you test your ideas against those that disagree? Answer: you won’t.


I’ve got to agree with you on this one. Mike Malloy is despicable. Also, the quote you provided in the “UPDATE” was nuts. I think the majority of people on the “left” will agree with me.

The only two exceptions I have with this one are that you’ve lumped a group of people under one stereo type, as if they all have the same exact beliefs, and then you take a some nutty idiotic examples and use those as examples of the entire group. This is definitely faulty logic, and if you could realize this, you might not hate what you consider to the “left” so much. The group that these nuts like your poster in the update represents probably only consists of a very few people, and definitely does not include any prominent Democrats.

All of this name-calling and divisiveness accomplishes nothing. You’ve even lumped me into that group, which disturbs me, ’cause you don’t know me. If you did, I guarantee you would think differently.

Curt, seeing as I have a life, and have never listened to Mike Malloy, I would ask this: Who is he??? Ha ha ha

“…No ideas, just hate. Just a load of angry insults full of contempt and nihilism.”

The very best our education system can provide! Garbage in, garbage out.

Good thing I’m an optimist, eh? :flush_tb:



(Video Blog) Libs Exploit 9/11 Video Footage and Felled Soldiers in Attack Touting Bush Conspiracy…

Ultra-Liberal radio talk show host Mike Malloy was fired from Air America last week. This prompted him to join up with his hard core followers in response with a Save Mike Malloy video campaign that exploits 9/11 video footage and images of soldiers co…