Bluto from Dread Pundit Bluto found another example of the leftist take on 9/11. This video, hosted on Google Video is called: “One of a kind 9/11 tribute (tears guaranteed)”. It begins with somber Enya music but a third of the way into it moves to Benny Hill music where it makes fun of all the people running away from the attack: (best viewed in Firefox or click Full Screen)
As Bluto noted the comments are telling. Many think its a sick video but its defenders say its all in good fun:
Aug 12, 2006
jesus christ! you fag’s below me just have NO sence of humor! it’s just a video with dumb music! is that so f**king WRONG?
Smart guy
Jul 27, 2006
Befor you post your hatred towards the person who made this, ask your self what is so offensive about it?
myself i think even though it is pretty low i still think its funny ;P
Jul 17, 2006
Satire at its finest!
Benny Hill
Jul 11, 2006
Ha ha ha ha!
THAT is humour! 😉
Ah…the mind of a leftist.
Mike makes a great point in the comments below:
The goal of these propagandists is to trivialize the horror of September 11th and the danger that such a nightmare could descend again on us at any moment.
Thank GOD we have a President who used the tools available to him and helped to thwart just such an event in the foiled August airliner plot.
And the same people who make fun of the atrocities on September 11th and oppose every effort to prevent further attacks and win the war on terror will be first in line to demand an explanation should be not be so lucky next time.
In making these “funny” videos about 9/11 they hope to show the world that we really are not in danger. There really is no war on terror, its all a made up fantasy by Bush to stay in power.
The family members of 2,996 people would disagree. Their loved ones did indeed die that day and to make fun of something so horrific is just plain evil. You may disagree with the policies of our elected President but dammit, the lives of those people who died that day deserve much better then this.

See author page
Why, yes. I imagine he did not vote conservative.
Have you gone to the site?
Do you think this guy has any agenda at all other than playing “Dig me?”
There are assholes who vote “liberal” or “progressive” or “Democrat” or “Green”. It does not mean that all agree or even stomach this crap.
“childish assholes?”
Hmmm… that’s my definition of a liberal!
Get a load of this tripe from the good ‘ol news media itself:
They continue to misrepresent the president–and then they complain that they very people they try to manipulate are fools? You can’t have it both ways MSM!!
“Two months to go before the election. Are you ready for what is coming?”
I am serving as an election judge (first time for me…ever) at one of the local precincts. It is the VERY LEAST I can do to help make sure that this election is fair and there is no fraud involved if I can help it.
Maybe others can offer to drive their friends and neighbors to the polls or something else helpful. We need EVERYONE involved in this!
Thanks for the reminder, Mike! :thumbup:
I’ve seen this set to different music IMO some things are sacred. I don’t mind differing views but when it comes to an out right act of war on our nation, HANDS OFF. when the war is over, complain about the way it was handled, complain about anything you want. After 3,000 Americans die in one act of aggression. Run your mouth at your own peril and doing it in anonymouse form is about the safest bet for you. Say that in fromt on me and you will see intolerance in action.
Wonder if the maker of this video thinks it’s so damn funny when that music is played while a bunch of real Americans kick his punk ass?
I continue to be sickened by the lefts total disregard of anything decent or human. Their approval of this video as “humor” only shows their lack of regard to anyone but themselves. To trivialise a national tragedy is abhorrent.
Their culture of death continues to raise its ugly head .. they celebrate anything that has to do with it, abortion, murder of christians, murder of 2996 fellow americans.
Just like the islamofascists