Christopher Hitchens did what many of us wish we could do on a Bill Maher show, he gave the dummies the finger: (via Newsbusters)
Writer/author Christopher Hitchens on Friday night gave the finger to the Los Angeles audience of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher. As he laid out the case for how it’s Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who wants World War Three, not George W. Bush, Hitchens cited how Ahmadinejad “says the Messiah is about to come back.” Maher quipped: “So does George Bush, by the way.” That caused a loud eruption of audience applause and cheering, which led Maher to clarify: “That’s not facetious.” The crowd continued to applaud as Hitchens remarked, about those in attendance who had earlier cheered and laughed as Maher called Bush an “idiot” repeatedly: “That’s not facetious. Your audience, which will clap at apparently anything, is frivolous.” Loud oohs and groans emanated from the audience, prompting Hitchens to give them the finger as he castigated them, “Fuck you, fuck you,” while the groans continued.
Video below. (best viewed in Firefox)
Christopher Hitchens: “Who wants a Third Word War? The Iranian President says that one member state of the United Nations should be wiped physically from the map with all its people. He says the United States is a Satanic power. Members of his government, named members of his government have been caught sponsoring deaths squads. He’s lied, he’s lied to the European Union about his nuclear program-”
Bill Maher: “But you know that a lot-”
Hitchens: “He says the Messiah is about to come back. Who’s looking for a war here?”
Maher: “So does George Bush, by the way [audience applause]. That’s not facetious [audience applause continues].”
Hitchens: “That’s not facetious. Your audience, which will clap at apparently anything, is frivolous. [oohs and groans from audience, Hitchens gives them the finger] Fuck you, fuck you. [groans continue]”
Maher: “I was just saying what the President of Iran and the President of America have in common is that they both are a little too comfortable with the idea of the world coming to an end.”
Hitchens: “Cheer yourself up like that. The President has said, quite a great contrast before the podium of the Senate, I think applauded by most present, in his State of the Union address, that we support the democratic movement of the Iranian people to be free of theocracy — not that we will impose ourselves on them, but that if they fight for it we’re on their side. That seems to be the right position to take, jeer all you like.”
Good grief, how utterly pathetic the left has become when they will side with a known terrorist leader who wants the destruction of Israel just to satisfy their blood hatred of our President. They view our President on the same level as those who want us all dead, hell, many of them believe him to a bigger threat then the terrorists who flew those planes into the WTC. What a pathetic ignorant group of Americans the left have become.
While the gesture may have been crude, I guess he had enough with a group of imbeciles who would clap at anything anti-Bush. I enjoy how he dismantles people like Maher and the like but with a group of people like that audience I can understand him losing his cool.
I mean since when did Bush believe Jesus was coming back on a white horse soon?
While I do not agree with many of Hitchens beliefs, when it comes to the war with Fanatical Islam he is 100% correct. He is still a leftward liberal but a 9/11 liberal. Unlike most on the left he emerged from 9/11 with an honest look at who the real enemy is. I’m sure he found it painful to agree with a conservative President but his intellectual honesty forced him to come to grips with it. For that he is to be respected.
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Good grief, how utterly pathetic the left has become when they will side with a known terrorist leader who wants the destruction of Israel just to satisfy their blood hatred of our President. They view our President on the same level as those who want us all dead, hell, many of them believe him to a bigger threat then the terrorists who flew those planes into the WTC. What a pathetic ignorant group of Americans the left have become.

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