The Search For Steve Centanni & Olaf Wiig

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Michelle Malkin is asking all bloggers to blog a bit on the missing Fox reporter Steve Centenni and his cameraman Olaf Wiig.

I was actually wondering yesterday why I have not heard a peep about them in sometime, almost as if they did not exist anymore. Michelle makes a good point:

The disappearance of Centanni and Wiig is at least as newsworthy as–and far more threatening to our national security than–people falling off cruise ships or getting eaten by alligators or attacked by bees.

The family of Steve has given an interview:

The brother of an American journalist abducted by masked gunmen in the Gaza Strip last week says he and other family members are concerned that the captors have not come forward with demands.

Steve Centanni, 60, a national correspondent with Fox News, and freelance cameraman Olaf Wiig, 36, of New Zealand were abducted last Tuesday as they were parked in a vehicle marked “TV” near the headquarters of the Palestinian security service. No one has taken responsibility for the kidnappings.

“We haven’t heard anything,” Ken Centanni said in a phone interview from his San Jose home Monday. “People have been applying pressure to the Palestinian government to do whatever it can, and the Palestinian government has been very cooperative. No group has claimed responsibility, and every group has condemned” the abductions.

And this simple fact does give me pause. Why has there been no demands from the kidnappers? One conclusion to that is sadly that Steve and Olaf may no longer be with us. But I hold out hope. Maybe there are discussions going on but they have requested they be kept secret. We can always hope.

UPDATE 0945hrs PST

A few days ago members of the Palestinian journalists union protested in Gaza for the release of the two:

Palestinian journalists in Gaza protested on Saturday against the kidnapping of a FOX News correspondent and cameraman, as concern about the men’s safety grew.

[…]About 30 members of the Palestinian Journalists’ Union gathered outside the parliamentary building in Gaza, holding up signs demanding the men be freed. Other signs called for security in Gaza, where armed men wander the streets freely.


Check out these disgusting comments left at The Huffington Post:

It would be a little easier to be sympathetic if they weren’t representing the network that promotes the attitude that anyone who disagrees with the tactics used by the Bush group throughout the Middle East as unpatriotic and supportive of Al Qaeda.

By: AppalachianAmerican on August 18, 2006 at 05:34pm

Who gives a fuck about these Fox Journalists! Let Fox’s precious Israel go get them out.

By: TakeBackTheLeft on August 18, 2006 at 05:40pm

There are no ‘smart’ republicans anymore than there are ‘journalists’ at Fox News[sic].

Apparently right-wing traitors to democracy don’t like it when us so-called ‘bleeding hearts’ on the left don’t start crying when someone at their ‘ministry of propaganda’ goes missing.

Imagine that, reich-wing whiners.

By: Cid on August 18, 2006 at 06:18pm

Fox has done so much to harm the United States that you’re right, I for one don’t care.

Let them all die and start with Rupert.

Freedom would FINALLY be on the march.

By: floydSmoot on August 18, 2006 at 06:32pm

Wonderful people huh?


Look at what this jackass of a reporter wrote blaming the lack of attention on the kidnappings because, well, they are from Fox. Sounds like the group above doesn’t it?

Second, Fox has deliberately set itself apart from other news media. Starting at the top with Roger Ailes, the Fox sales pitch has been to deride other media, to declare itself the one source of the real truth, the sole source of ‘fair and accurate’ news reporting. As a result, there’s not a reservoir of kinship or good will with Fox on the part of the rest of the news media. You can’t keep insulting people and then expect friendship when you need it.

They’ve made it a policy to keep a distance between themselves and the rest of the media, far beyond the usual competitive spirit, so that’s where they are: at a distance.

A sad and pathetic life these lefties must lead. Almost makes your skin crawl. Hot Air found that the writer of this piece is a Dean supporter….suprise surprise.


Went into the cesspool of The Huffington Post and found some more examples of this countries left:

time for foxies to learn where there lies lead.

Really? I’d’ve thought there would be some kind of secret handshake so that the two terrorist organizations could recognize each other…

These “journalists” risk life and limb every day so they can lie to you from the scene of the crime and explain why we must attack Iran and this is the disrespect that you show these “journalists”.

I never used to feel this way before but fuck’em. I spent this weekend stuck indoors while I had to hear their (FOXNEWS) diatribe on why we must surrender all rights and why we must attack Iran for Israel and how I should be pissing my pants in fear right now. I could care less if they are beheaded. How did Americans feel when Goebbels was found dead?

I respect the lives of real journalists even ones whose opinions I oppose, overt propagandists are better used as fertilizer since they are full of shit anyway.

By: PC on August 14, 2006 at 03:19pm

I hope and pray thier beheadings show up on Youtube real soon. Popcorn anyone?

By: redstateh8r on August 14, 2006 at 04:58pm

UPDATE V 08-23-06 0900hrs PST (Bumped to the top)

A previously unknown group has all of a sudden demanded something for the release of these two Fox employees:

Two Fox journalists kidnapped in the Gaza Strip last week said they were in “fairly good health” and appealed for help to secure their freedom, a videotape released on Wednesday showed.

A previously unknown militant group, the “Holy Jihad Brigades,” earlier claimed responsibility for the kidnapping nine days ago in the Palestinian coastal strip and demanded the United States release “Muslim prisoners” within 72 hours.

It did not say what would happen if the demand was ignored.

Sounds fishy to me.

Mary Catherine Ham
has a transcript of a video that was released of the two:

Centanni: “We’ve been captured in Gaza and been held prisoner here and we are in good condition and live as well and in good health. We have water and food and everyday access to the bathroom, shower.

We have clean clothes. Our captors are treating us well and so just letting you know that I’m here and I’m alive and I give my love to my family and friends and ask you to do anything you can to help us get out of here.”

Wiig: I guess I will add for myself that I know my family. If you can find local pressure or local government here in Gaza and the West Bank to help us, I would appreciate it. To my family, please don’t worry. I am okay.

Centanni: We love you all and hope to see you soon.

Allah at Hot Air has the video.

Fox has released the text of the demands from this terrorist group:

“This is a statement directed to the infidels in general, without discrimination of their georgraphical location. This is an invitation to enter into the religion of God before a day comes when being an infidel will not do you any good. The victory of God’s soldiers can only be achieved by God’s help. Nobody can frighten us about our enemy and what it possesses. In the name of God and taught Adam the names. If they throw us in fire it would be cool and safe on us. And if they throw us in water then the whale would pick us up and take us to land. If they want to cut us up, God will save us by sending a sacrifice and deliver us to safety.

No nation can be defeated without the will of God. Quoting Mohammed: ‘Do not be sad for God is with us.’

Therefore lords of infidelity and masters of darkness and injustice believe in God and you will be safe or else wait for your turn because we come to slaughter. And every soul will reap what it has done.

You have angered us and we are not the kind that is angered. We are subdued, but rather the fountains of Islam and faith spring up in us.

We now tell you this is the chance we give you. God knows how often this kind of chance can be repeated.

In exchange for the release of the Muslim prisoners, males and females in the prisons of America, with our prisoners.

Release our prisoners and we will do the same. This applies to all without exception. And every Muslim is more cherished and more generous that a 1,000 Bushes. But this is a tradeoff of equals.

We will grant you 72 hours, that starts as of noon today during which you can look into this and if you carry out our condition we will carry out our promise, or else wait and we will wait with you and it will be in God’s hands. And God’s order is higher than any other and most people do not know. ‘Those who have been injust will find out the consequences.’

The time you have starts as of noon Wednesday the 29th of Rajab (the Islamic month) of the year 1447 (Muslim year) which is the 23rd of August 2006.

Our thanks to God, the most gracious.


The Holy Jihad Brigades”

Notice they don’t say what will happen if the demands are not met. Something is amiss with these latest developments. I mean why wait 9 days to make demands?

UPDATE VI 08-23-06 1935hrs PST

And the Dummies at DummiesU rear their ugly heads once again:

Conflicted. Nobody deserves this kind of thing, yet they made a conscious decision to work for the most foul, disgusting, fascist, organization in their field.

Were the guards on the wire culpable for what happened in the camps? Are we guilty for our silent acquiescence to what has been perpetrated in our names all over the world?

Other’s Blogging:

Check out these disgusting comments left at The Huffington Post:

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News networks print media executives should send a very sharp not to the thugs that run Gaza and tell them directly that they will get absolutely NO coverage from ANY network or print media until these two are released unharmed.

That means no more unquestioned coverage of phony Israeli atrocities and no coverage at all the next time Israel sends in the troops.

These PLO monsters have been playing off world opinion for decades. I cannot believe they would want to lose that propaganda weapon.