I just signed up at the 2996 blog to pay my respects to one of those who died on 9-11-01. If you havn’t signed up please do, I am number 2075 and we only have a few weeks left until the 5th anniversary.
The idea behind this blog is simple. We are each assigned one person who died that day, we are assigned the duty of honoring that person and his/her life.
I was assigned Aram Iskenderian, a 41 year old Armenian whose wife left these remarks in 2002:
I miss you more than words can I express. You were the love of my life. The children and I hope that you are at peace and did not suffer. Love Sheri
I will be spending the next few weeks learning all I can about Aram, so that I can tell his story…as it deserves to be told.

See author page
I remember Joao A. Aguiar Jr., of Red Bank, N.J., who lost his life at the World Trade Center.
It’s good to read that you are participating in 2996.